Clothes for a Skeleton

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-Red's Pov-

I walk out of the changing room and head over to New Boss and MTT. 

They both look up from their conversation to me.

"wow, Metta, this looks great!" New Boss says.

"Of course it does. I designed it didn't I?"

New Boss stands up and walks to me, his face tinted a light orange.

"you look great, Red."

I look at myself in the mirror.

I'm wearing a red turtle neck, some blank pants, a jacket with mustard yellow stripes going down the sleeves and white fluff on the hood.

I look back at New Boss, a smile on my face.

"Y-you think so?" I ask.

"Yeah, you look awesome. Thanks, MTT, you have some extra clothes for us to take home so he's not stuck in the same clothes?" New Boss asks the ghost,  turning to face him.

A light bit of red splashes across my face.

My boss is proud of me.

I like, I like this.

A lot.

I stand a bit straighter, my smile growing a bit.

A boss is proud of me.

I watch as New Boss pays the ghost and the ghost gives him a bag of what I assume to be more clothes for me.

I smile at the thought of having boss proud enough of me to where he'd buy me nice clothes.

But, what if he's not?

The question stabs me in my soul.

What if he's just trying to make me look good enough for me to be able to be near him?

I look at him, my smile faltering.

"The jacket has some extra padding in it so that its extra warm. Since you guys seem to be affected by the cold easily."

"Thanks, Metta, this means a lot," New Boss replies to the ghost, putting the bag of clothes over his shoulder.

"Of course, you're always welcome to come back here, since I don't need to sleep my shop is basically open twenty-four seven so stop by anytime."

I mean, he did tell me that if I looked great and then told 'Metta' thank you for the new clothes.

That's probably the reason.

My smile disappears from my face.

You know what?

As long as the clothes I'm put in are warm and comfy, I'm not gonna complain.

My smile comes back, nowhere near as big, but it does.

New Boss turns to me, "you ready to go?"

I nod, holding out my hand. 

He tilts his head slightly, "You need something bud?"

"I-i'm supposed t-to carry the bag," I whisper.

"Nah, it's fine. I got it," He tells me.

"O-okay," I whisper,  waiting to follow him out.

He has me go in front of him again as we make our way to the door.

Looking around as we walk, I notice a beanie.

It's a full black one, like the one I had as a kid but clean.

My eyes lock on to it as we walk out the door, my skull slightly turning as I watch the soft hat drift away from view.

"Ah, dang it," New Boss says.

I turn to him, confused.

"I forgot my wallet in there, I'll be right back, you stay here okay?"

He wants me to stay out in Snowdin, alone??

I just nod, trying to hide my fear.

"Don't go anywhere, okay?"


He heads back inside and I look around.

There's a cleaned off bench not too far from me,  and a bunch of buildings with people walking in and out. 

I notice that there's no dust on the ground, strange but whatever. 

There's not any fighting or terrified screams coming from nowhere. 

I sit down on the ground, not wanting to get in trouble for moving onto the bench.

I zip up my jacket and put my hands in the pockets. 

Damn it's good to have some good fucking clothes. 

It's peaceful. 

I close my eyes, knowing that New Boss might take a while to find his wallet. 

I feel something poking my cheek. 

I open my eyes.

It's a little rabbit.

I swat at the kid's hand, "scram kid."

"you're face is weird."

"yeah? well, yours ain't much better," I retort, trying to get him to leave me alone.

"why is your face so squishy? If you're a skeleton, shouldn't it be hard?" He asks.

"If you're a kid, shouldn't you be off playing?" I counter.

"Nah, my mom went into a store, so I'm waiting with you. Say, how can you see? It's not like you have eyeballs," he questions, reaching towards my eyes. 

I swat his hand away again, "don't touch my eye sockets. I have eye lights, they work the same way your- I thought I told you to stop tryn' ta touch my eyes!"

I push his hand away once more.

He giggles, "you're funny, I like you. My name's Bun, what's your name?"



"YES! It's because of my eye lights."

He gets up, "well I gotta go, Red, I'll see you around!"

He bounds off. 

"tsk, kids are weird," I mutter.

I hear a chuckle, "I didn't know you were so good with kids, Red." 

"B-Boss!' I say, standing up quickly.

"you know, you don't have to call me that. Anyway, I got you something," He tells me, tossing something to me.

I catch it and look at the object. 

It's the black hat from inside. 

"Thanks, Boss," I say, putting it on quickly.

"We really need to figure out something better for you to call me," he sighs.

With the bag held over his shoulder, New Boss starts to walk towards what I assume is his house again. 

I'm wrong. 

He stops in front of a building called 'Spiders'.

I stop next to him as always. 

He checks his watch, "hmm, I guess we have time."

"T-time for what?" I ask. 

"Time to get some food before Blue gets home," He tells me. 

He opens the door to the building.

"Shall we?" He asks, stepping out of the way while holding the door for me. 

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