Someone was here

211 12 2

-Red's Pov-

Stretch and I are just sitting on the couch watching tv, simply letting the time go by as I watch the screen. 

I take note that Stretch keeps checking his phone every ten minutes or so. 

Sometimes Boss would gamble, checking his phone like Stretch is now. 

Boss is usually very good at gambling, however, there were times he'd get pissed at the results of the snail races, raging about how Napstablook would tamper with the results. 

I feel my face drop its relaxed expression as worry fills its place. 

Where is Boss?

Last time I saw him, he was knocked out. 

Stretch had done it.

What if he doesn't wake up?

What if Stretch dusted him?

There's no way, Boss's defense combined with his hp makes him practically invincible to basically any attack. 

So I guess I don't have to worry about that.

I should ask Stretch.

However, what if he'd backlash horribly to the question.

This could be another Chillby's incident...

But, but Boss has gotten stronger since then, it's been years.

Boss is the strongest monster in the underground, only falling under Asgore.

I'm sure that if Boss really wanted to he'd be able to kill Asgore, though Boss has no reason to want to be king. 

He has everything he could ever want in the position that he's in. 

Well, I don't know about this place. 

Everything seems to be different here, so could there be a stronger monster?

Could Stretch himself be the stronger monster?

I glance over to him, he's messing with his phone, seeming tired.  

I mean he doesn't look the part, but, he did knock Boss out with a single blow...

But he hasn't shown me many reasons to fear him, so it should be fine to ask him.

I straighten up a tad and turn to Stretch, trying my best to look casual.

"Hey, uh, Stretch?"  I ask.

Stretch puts down his phone and looks over to me, a careless smile on his face, "Yeah bud?"

"Where's Boss?" I ask.

Stretch doesn't say anything for a moment, his face not changing a bit.

He opens his mouth, beginning to say something but stops himself, sighing. 

I immediately regret asking the question. 

"He's in jail."

"W-what?!" I question, panic shooting throughout my body.

I know how unforgiving and terrible the prison can be. 

Torture, fights, gangs, death, starvation, and rape are very common there. 

What if Boss gets hurt?

What if he gets dusted?

What if he-

"Look, I know it isn't ideal. I know he's your brother but he could hurt someone. He tried to- He HAS hurt you. I just wanted to make sure everyone in the underground is safe. That includes you," Stretch says putting his hand on my shoulder. 

I don't react, my mind racing at the possibilities of what could happen to Boss while in prison.

 Stretch sighs taking his hand away, "However, if you want me to I can bring you to him."

My eyes shoot to him, "R-really?"

He nods, slightly smiling, "Yep."

I smile, "can, can we go now?"

Stretch seems hesitant but nods. 

A rather large creak in the house makes Stretch stand up. 

"Blue's not home," he mutters under his breath. 

Those three words cause my anxiety to spike and sweat starts to drip down my skull. 

"Stay here," Stretch says as he walks to the stairs, climbing them quickly. 

I sit there stiffly as he checks the bedrooms upstairs carefully.

I stay sitting firmly on the couch for what seems like forever before Stretch comes back down the stairs. 

"I think someone might have been in Blue's room, there was a window open but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary," he reports.

"S-someone was in here?" I ask quietly as I rush to him, clinging onto him fearfully. 

I knew something was going to happen, it's stupid of them to have no locks in their house!

Stretch rubs my back, "Whoever it was is gone now, so we don't have to worry about them anymore. Let's, uh, let's go see your bro, okay? I'll let Alphys know what happened and she'll take care of this."

I nod before letting go of Stretch. 

Why did I hug him?

I'm getting softer than I already was. 

What would've happened if that person had come down here?

What if it was a human?

They could've killed us both and I would have been too weak and soft to stop it. 

I feel a tear streak down my cheekbone as we walk out of the door. 

I quickly wipe it away with my sleeve. 

I'm going to see Boss, I'm going to make sure he's okay. 

There's no reason for me to cry. 

It's only weakness. 

And weakness gets you killed. 

Then why hasn't Stretch killed me?

He's seen me be so weak in front of him, he's had so many opportunities. 

So why?

Could it be we're friends?


I'm a mutt. 

I don't get friends. 

I get a Boss. 

But he's a friendly boss, that's for damn sure.

I feel a nudge on my shoulder and jump.

"There you are, thought I lost you for a second, heh," Stretch chuckles. 

"Oh, sorry," I say, offering a weak smile. 

"I figured we could just take a shortcut to the castle if that's okay with you?"

I nod, as Stretch reaches out his hand. 

A slight blush that I attempt to hide covers my face as I take his hand. 

I close my eyes and Stretch teleports.


Sorry about the long wait guys, originally this chapter was gonna turn out a tad bit different but I wasn't really happy with it so I went in another direction. 

Thanks for waiting 

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