Yoongi | Food Poisoning Pt.1

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Enjoy 1.3k words of unedited rambling uwu


Yoongi groaned and put his headphones around his neck. I need to start locking the door, he thought helplessly, but when he turned to see Taehyung leaning against the doorframe, long sleeves covering his fiddling hands and hood shading his face, he sat up.

"What do you want, Tae?" He asked plainly. Taehyung sighed and pouted slightly.

"I have a headache, Yoongi-hyung, can I stay with you for a while maybe?"

A switch flipped in Yoongi's head when he heard that, and he suddenly realised just how bad of a headache this was. Taehyung's eyes were slightly puffy and sleepy, and his skin was a few shades paler.

Yoongi hit the spacebar to pause the beat he was working on and flipped his headphones over his head. After placing them down and standing up, he placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"We can stay in the living room, okay?"

Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes,

"But, no I- but I didn't want to stop you working, I just wanted company," Yoongi guided him out of the room and said,

"Nope, you need more than just company."

So that's how the two of them ended up on the sofa watching movies on the lowest volume. Yoongi had given Taehyung some medicine and he was slowly beginning to feel better.

"Hyung, can we order food? I don't want to make dinner," Taehyung asked. Yoongi shuffled into a ball on the other end of the sofa and nodded.

"I don't wanna make food either, what do you want?"


Yoongi smirked, knowing the answer before Tae made a single noise in response.

When Yoongi opened the ordering app, he noticed that they had updated their menu.

"Wait, Tae there's some new stuff, do you still want your usual?"

Tae nodded eagerly. He must have been hungry to be that enthusiastic. Yoongi added one 'Three Piece Variety' meal to his order and then ordered a 'Boneless' meal for himself.

After placing the order, he watched as Taehyung put on 'Train to Busan'.

"Jungkookie said this was a good film. Let's watch it,"

Before Yoongi could get comfortable again in his corner, he felt the warmth of his bandmate cover him. Taehyung had both his arms around Yoongi's small waist and there was nothing Yoongi could do about it.

But then food arrived, and after Taehyung had been nuzzling the back of Yoongi's neck for half an hour (no homo), he didn't want to get up. So Yoongi threw Tae's arms off his own waist and went to answer the door.

Bringing the food back inside, he noticed that Tae had gone to fetch plates and had brought them back along with some glasses for their drinks.

The meal was overall enjoyable, and they continued to cuddle and watch the movie. Yoongi started to get a faint light-headed feeling, probably because he was tired. Taehyung clung to him like a koala.

Then Yoongi started to feel a bit more light-headed than what was normal. There was a new, low burning sensation in his stomach that had him curled up tightly against the arm of the sofa. Maybe I ate too fast, he thought not so casually.

The ache against his ribs spread to his lower stomach, thus Yoongi deemed himself with something worse than eating too fast. The dizzy feeling increased as his eyes couldn't focus on a single part of the TV screen for more than a few seconds before it blurred.

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