BTS | Crash Pt.4

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Sorry I disappeared for a little bit, I was too busy with freaking out over exams all because of good ol' COVID-19.
Wash your hands, stay safe y'all!


Jimin didn't look too different, thankfully. His pretty face was barely touched, still cute and beautiful as ever, and he was no longer crying or screaming in pain. He almost looked at peace, almost as if he was just sleeping.

Hoseok approached the bed slowly and sat down beside the unconscious boy, taking Jimin's small, limp hand in his own. It was at that moment that Hoseok began to cry, bringing Jimin's hand to his lips to kiss him softly, as if he was kissing something precious.
He was kissing something precious.

Taehyung sat behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok inhaled sharply and whined,
"Why did this happen to us, Taehyungie?"

Taehyung replied,
"I don't know, hyung. But it'll get better."

"Namjoon is in the ICU, Taehyung! And Jungkook is in shock, and we don't even know about Seokjin-hyung-"

Taehyung stopped him before he could convince himself of anything else,
"But they're alive, hyung! That's what's important,"

Hoseok took a few more moments to calm down, letting go of Jimin's hand briefly to wipe off his tears. He looked back to Taehyung and put an arm around him, closing his eyes to finally meet peace and quiet.


There was a sharp knock on the door to Jimin's room. Hoseok looked up from his spot on the floor next to Taehyung's chair and saw Yoongi being pushed into the room in a wheelchair. Taehyung jumped out of his chair and kneeled in front of Yoongi.

The first thing Taehyung noticed was how pale Yoongi was. His usual complexion was replaced by a concerning ashen grey colour, indicating that he knew something that the others didn't want to know.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok asked, crouching down beside him, running a hand through his hair. Yoongi jumped slightly and looked up to Hoseok with wide unfocused eyes. Without any prompting his face fell and he burst into tears.

There were very few occasions that Yoongi cried. Taehyung was pretty sure he could count on his fingers the amount of times he had seen his hyung cry. Hoseok had seen it a fair few more times, but each was just as surprising as the next.

"Baby-" Hoseok tried to use comforting tactics, like the pet name and the hair stroking but it didn't stop Yoongi from sobbing very loudly into his own hands. Hoseok kneeled down and guided Yoongi's head into his chest, all while holding back tears of his own.

"H-hyung-" Yoongi stuttered out before sobbing again. Hoseok and Taehyung looked worryingly at each other, knowing that could only mean one person.

"Yoongi please, deep breaths-" Hoseok said, but it was no use, as Yoongi choked slightly, almost making himself gag from the pure panic he was experiencing.

"He-hyung, he had… he- ah-" he managed to choke out. Hoseok let his own tears run down his face as he carefully rocked his hyung from side to side, letting the elder lean into his chest.

"It's okay, baby,"

The next few hours were a nightmare. Quite literally, as Taehyung fell asleep in Hoseok's arms, soon after crying in his sleep, so hard that Hoseok had to wake him up.

The three of them were restless, constantly asking passing staff of the others' whereabouts and conditions. Jimin didn't wake up at all.


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