Hoseok | Migraine

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Not for long tho. This is the only thing I've completed so far. I'm tiddies-deep in random requests which I've mixed up, so if you requested I'm sorry. It probably won't be out for some time oops

Migraines were a constant bother for some of the members of BTS.

Some days, Yoongi woke up and felt like his skull was splitting open, but he would still insist on sitting in his studio for hours on end. About once every month, Taehyung had a terrible headache and demanded cuddles for he could barely stand on his own.

And sometimes, although very rarely, Seokjin wouldn't even be able to get out of bed, and the members would have to cook for themselves and their hyung.

But there was a particular member who they had seen with a migraine only one time, just after their debut. That day was a disaster that they all remembered. And that member was none other than their precious lead dancer, Hoseok.

Today the wrath of his rare migraine had plotted its return. But today was the first day of travel for their world tour, "Speak Yourself."

Hoseok had, strangely, woken up feeling fine. Sure, he was tired, but wasn't everyone? Seokjin knocked on his door, chirping happily,
"Time to get up, Hobi~"

Hoseok had packed the night before, so all he had to do was wash up and put on suitable clothes for the 13 hour flight to LA. After he came downstairs, he joined Taehyung in a healthy, nutritious breakfast of leftover takeout from the day before.

When they were all ready to leave, the seven of them stepped outside, laden with luggage. Hoseok squinted as his eyes began to hurt; he assumed it was just because it was so bright.

But when he entered the car the ache didn't go away, so Hobi pushed it aside. He couldn't be getting a migraine a day before their first stadium tour.

He was sat beside Jimin, who decided to detach himself from reality by attempting to sleep all the way to the airport. Hoseok wished he could sleep, but his newfound and ever-increasing headache was not going to let him rest any time soon.

"Hoseok, are you okay?" He heard someone ask. He turned to see Namjoon sitting behind him in the back row. Hoseok was confused as to why he was asking this question,
"What do you mean-"

"You just look kinda down, you're not getting sick or anything are you?" Hoseok gave him the most convincing smile he could manage (which wasn't all that convincing), and said,
"I'm okay, Joon, just tired,"

Namjoon didn't push the matter any further. Hoseok got out his airpods and placed them in his ears, but didn't bother to play any music. The lack of sound was better.

He was jostled by the car stopping outside the airport, bringing him out of his gloomy daydreams of missing the good old days where he could breathe out of both nostrils. Packing his stuff away and pulling a mask over his mouth and nose, Hoseok prayed to any Gods out there that the airport wouldn't be too bright.

The airport was brighter than the fucking sun. Hoseok winced as he trudged through the revolving doors with Taehyung, who seemed to be having the time of his life, even though they went to airports regularly.

After an hour of scanning, checking, verifying, and an awkward pat-down for Seokjin (he was not happy about it), they were finally given information about their flight by the staff members.
"The flight will start boarding in 30 minutes."

Usually, 30 minutes was okay, good even, but when Hoseok felt like his head was being caved in by a mallet it wasn't so good. Namjoon directed the group to a pair of benches that could each fit four people. Taehyung and Namjoon sat on either side of Hoseok whilst the others curled up together on the opposite bench.

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