Jikook | Flu (IMPORTANT A/N)

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(Btw Jimin regresses to babyspace in this and Seokjin is his Mommy- dw it ain't nothing sexual. I'm British so I would normally spell it mummy but none of you will get it. Anyway if you ain't happy with reading this then bye felicia)

Jungkook wasn't going to admit it, since Namjoon had literally been vomiting in the next room at the time, but he was pretty proud of himself for not catching the deadly 'BigHit Easter Flu'. Sure, he still felt sorry for Namjoon, but he had felt sorry for Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung, most of the staff, and even Bang PD at some point. It was nothing new.

He made sure not to touch anyone with the flu, going to extremes like washing his hands immediately before and after shaking hands with the members of TXT, fearing that they might have caught the bug. He was sure he was always wearing a mask when he entered the BigHit building, not taking it off until he was in the privacy of his studio.

But unfortunately, a few days after Namjoon had recovered, all seemed to be well until Jungkook made a grave mistake. He stole some of Namjoon's food. It may have seemed like nothing at the time as he stabbed some of Namjoon's fried chicken and ate it without him looking, but it was in fact the beginning of Jungkook's descent into agony.

He woke up at around 6.a.m on Easter Sunday, which wasn't late at all but he was struck with a pounding headache that rendered him immobile for the next hour and a half. He would have fallen asleep eventually if Seokjin hadn't tried to drag him out of bed.

"Jungkook, please. We need to leave at 8 o'clock," he said in a slightly whiny tone, which wouldn't have been scary at all if his face hadn't looked so authoritative. Jungkook was a tangled mess in his duvet, one leg hanging off the bed and both arms tightly wrapped around a stray pillow.

He made a small sleepy noise as he shifted in his half-asleep state, curling up in search for a more comfortable position. Seokjin crossed his arms, warning in a much stricter tone,
"Jungkook, I mean it."

Jungkook decided to use his secret power of cuteness and turned to face Seokjin, whining with a pout and wide eyes,
"But I have a headache, hyung,"

Seokjin's face fell, uncrossing his arms and promptly leaning forwards and placing a hand on Jungkook's forehead. He sighed upon feeling the faint fever on the maknae's skin, whisper-shouting,
"Oh God, not you too!"

"Ugh," Jungkook complained as he angrily collapsed back into his curled up position, breathing out a heavy sigh. It still took him a few moments, until,
"Wait what? What do you mean, you too?"

Then it clicked. Who hadn't gotten the flu yet besides himself? There were only two people who had survived besides Jungkook: Jimin and Hoseok. Jungkook pulled the duvet over his face, groaning loudly and exaggeratedly. Seokjin left the room quickly, probably to tell the others what was going on.

Jungkook looked back up when he heard footsteps returning to his room. He saw Seokjin returning with a pale, miserable Jimin who was wrapped up in a huge fluffy blanket. Jimin flopped onto the bed beside Jungkook and said with an unnecessarily dramatic pout,

Jungkook complied, scared of angering his clingy bandmate, who he could tell was close to slipping. He wrapped his arms around Jimin's tiny waist and let the other bury his head in his chest. Seokjin smiled fondly and walked away, saying,
"I'll make you both something light to eat,"

"Thank you hyung," Jungkook replied quietly, slowly falling back into a deep sleep.

About ten minutes later, Jungkook woke with a start to the feeling of being hit in the face. As he opened his eyes he saw Jimin performing some sort of acrobatic routine in his sleep. Jungkook's head was really hurting now, it felt like a chore just to look up.

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