Taehyung | Appendicitis

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A lot of people requested a Taehyung chapter and someone wanted appendicitis so here's a combination of both! And it's pretty long as you requested, so buckle up lads

Taehyung usually enjoyed rehearsals without having any problems. There were never any complaints on his part; he always got on with whatever he was told to do, every mic check, every choreo, every last minute outfit touch-up.

But today was different. Not to be cliché, but he could feel it. Literally. In his stomach.

This morning, he had woken up with a strange empty feeling in his stomach, almost as if he hadn't eaten anything all day yesterday, although he distinctly remembered eating dinner. Strangely, when Jimin had collapsed into his seat beside him and offered him some of his pancakes, he had declined, feeling as if he couldn't eat anything.

Taehyung was confused at himself for refusing to eat, but quickly blamed it on tiredness and muscle soreness that was messing with his eating patterns. And with that, he got ready to go to the stadium, ignoring any warning signs his body gave him.

"Taehyung, we need you to rehearse Dimple with the others," the manager said to him after their fifteen minute lunch break where, again, he didn't eat a thing. Taehyung nodded and slung his jacket over his shoulder, heading up to the stage. Namjoon smacked him on the shoulder supportively on the way up.

He smiled upon seeing the size of the stadium once again. In just a few hours the whole place will be filled with ARMY ready to watch 5th Muster. Seokjin greeted him as he walked down the runway section,
"You're lucky they gave you decent pants, Tae. Mine are so tight!" Seokjin complained whilst trying to loosen the hem of his leather trousers. Taehyung laughed and told him,
"Make sure you don't do that in front of ARMY later, hyung,"

Seokjin sighed and adjusted his trousers one more time before getting into position. The choreographer went through a few key moves with the four of them, like the body roll in the chorus, before running through the whole song, giving the usual tips and reminders. He was about to dismiss them when Jungkook started asking more questions about the transition to Pied Piper.

He ended up dragging the rap line up to the stage to discuss formations, which would have been only a minor annoyance to Taehyung, but his irritation was amplified by the irregular stabbing pains striking his abdomen every few moments. He sighed, untucking his button shirt and trying to sneakily massage his aching stomach. The bad news- Seokjin spotted him struggling. The good news- Seokjin didn't think anything of it and joked,
"See? Guess I'm not the only one with tight pants."

When it was actually time to start the concert, the stabbing pains in Taehyung's stomach hadn't worn away; if anything they had become more frequent. Of course this had to happen on a concert day of all days. He knew that they wouldn't be able to postpone something as big as 5th Muster, so he had to just push through it and then he could sleep as long as he could.

He did want to tell someone though, just in case it got worse and no-one believed him. The question was, who would believe him now?


Namjoon turned around, continuing to fix his shirt collar as he answered Taehyung. Taehyung awkwardly shuffled from foot to foot as he said quietly,
"I- uhh, I wanted to tell you something, just in case,"

"Tell me what? Just in case of what?"

Taehyung sighed and admitted,
"I, um, I might find it a bit harder to dance because I have a tummy ache and I wanted to tell you just in case it got worse because I'm worried no-one will believe me and-"

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