Ch. 3 "Historical Society"

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                                                                        Kylie POV

It's been a few days since I met Stefan and Caroline and turned on the full moon, 

Right now I'm in the public park sitting on a bench watching people doing all kinds of stuff and the Mayor walks up to do a speech,

"This is all part of the historical society, continuing efforts to give back to the community thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family we are now standing on the sight of our newest public park, Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to lend a helping hand thanks," The Mayor said 

I have my hood up on my hoodie sitting on a bench pretending to read a book, 

"Stefan right? The other Salvatore," The man I met a few days said 

"The nice one the one offering an apology," Stefan said 

"Not interested," The man said 

"Look my brother acted impulsively," Stefan said 

"You think," The man said 

"If you and Damon keep at each other throats, somebody innocent is going to get hurt and I don't want that, you have family here so I can imagine you'd want that either so what do you say we just quit the whole alpha male fighting thing and call it a truce?" Stefan said 

"I made that same offer to your brother, He turned it down with a knife," The man said 

"He made a mistake, I'm here to make sure that neither one of you make another one," Stefan said 

"Tell your brother to watch his back," The man said 

I look up seeing Stefan catches the man's arm 

"Well I'm guessing that he only has to worry about that during a full moon, otherwise you're not as strong am I right? or you would have killed Damon by now there's one of you there's two of us I think you're the one that needs to watch his back," Stefan said 

"If he comes at me..." The man said 

"He won't" Stefan said 

they shake hands and the Man leaves Carrying a box, 

"What are you doing?" A man with dark hair and crystal eyes said 

"Negotiation peace on your behalf," Stefan said 

"I don't want peace, and whose the Kid?" The man said 

I quickly put my nose back in the book 

"Consider it opposite day, and that's Kylie she and her parents just moved here," Stefan said 

"Stefan, please tell me you don't seriously think a hand shake just solved our problems and how come I've never met the kid?" The man said 

"No actually I think that the first chance Mason Lockwood gets, he's gonna drive a stake through your heart and then through mine, all because you took it upon yourself to try to kill him, so thank you because we don't have enough problems, and you were away when me and Caroline met her," Stefan said and leaves 

I get up and start to walk into the woods when I hear gunshots I run towards the noise 

"Stefan!" I yelled 

I run to him only to be stopped by the man named Mason 

"Let me go!" I said struggling 

"You and I need to talk kid," Mason said dragging me off 

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