Kylie POVI was sitting at the bar of the grill with a soda, I look into the drink blankly tonight is the full moon and I'm feeling it,
let me explain, sometimes days or even hours before the full moon my entire body gets achey it even makes me irritable, but after I change after the full moon my body hurts so badly that I can't move for days at a time that is why I am not looking forward to it, I thought
Then I see a hand move in front of my face I look to see Damon and Rick,
"We were talking to you tiny," Damon said
I sighed,
"Sorry," I said
"are you alright?" Rick asked
I nodded
"Yeah, just didn't sleep much last night," I said
then a smell hit my nose and I'm face to face with yet another werewolf,
me and her made eye contact I averted my eyes,
"Hey, excuse me, crazy question do you know Tyler Lockwood?" She asked some people
"Mmm, Mason's mystery woman," Damon said
"Where is Mason anyway?" Rick said
"Decomposing in his truck," Damon said
"So you think she is a werwolf?" Rick said
I nodded
"She definitely is," I said
"What makes you say that?" Rick asked
"Just a feeling," I said as I shrugged
Damon takes something out of his pocket I scrunch my nose knowing what it was
"What's that?" Rick said
"Wolfsbane," Damon said
Later Rick and Damon are trying to get this Jules chick to drink wolfsbane I did warn them that she's gonna smell that a mile away but hey they don't trust me since I'm just a kid, so were all sitting at the bar talking,
"There's a B&B down the road and there's a motel on I-90 but you know if you ask me it's kind of a mistake," Damon said
"No, its fine I'm just here for the night it's a long story I'm looking for my friend," Jules said
"Who?" Damon asked
"Mason Lockwood," Jules said
"I know Mason!" Damon said
"You do?" Jules said
she looked shocked
"Yeah, hes a great guy," Damon said
"He's missing," Jules said
"What do you mean? Like.... I mean Missing, Missing?" Damon said
"How do you know Mason?" She said looking at Damon seriously
"Friends of friends," Damon said
she doesn't drink her drink Damon looks at me and Rick,
were still at the bar with Jules I'm starting to get jittery because of the moon,
"You know listen, I'm really tight with the sheriff if there's anything I can do to help locate Mason I will he's a great guy and after his brother's funeral he stuck around and helped his nephew and..." Damon said

The Vampire Diaries Lonely
FanfictionKylie an eleven year old girl dark hair and blue eyes arrives in Mystic Falls she befriends the gang not knowingly, she mainly keeps to herself because in her mind you can't get hurt if you have no one to care about But Kylie has a dark secret what...