Ch. 50 "Katherine"

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                                                                 Kylie POV

I'm not sure if its been a few days, a few weeks, or a few months all I know is I've been running avoiding main traffic, I stick to the woods, and forests I sleep then before the sun rises I'm off running again, 

the cut on my stomach was starting to burn and black purple veins were forming around it, it looked infected worse of all is that it's not healing, 

right now I'm up in a tree because that's where I sleep when I need to stop, I pull out my locket from under my shirt it was me and my mommy when I was little, I felt a tear fall down my cheek, 

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled 

I hear crunching of leaves I hide my locket under my shirt just as the person was walking in the woods right under my tree, I jump out of the tree knocking them to the ground,  I roll the person on to their back just as I was about to punch them, I froze

"Katherine?" I said with wide eyes

"Kylie?" She said in surprise 

I get off of her, 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Katherine said 

"It's... Complicated," I said 

"Come on I know a place we can talk," She said smirking 

we arrive in a pretty big house, were sitting at an island in the kitchen she gives me some hot tea, 

"So i'll ask again what the hell are you doing here?" She said 

"Where is exactly here?" I asked 

"Iowa," Katherine said 

My eyes got wide and I slumped back in my chair 

"Mind telling me how you found me?" She asked 

I chuckled, 

"I wasn't even looking for you," I said 

She also chuckled, 

"Well that's the first," She said smirking 

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" She asked 

I didn't answer 

"Look kid, I know we didn't really get along before, but back when Klaus was breaking the curse you told me you knew something about having to survive," said said 

"You can trust me," She said looking at me with concern, 

"Let's just say I've been running from somebody for a long time," I said 

She arched her brow, 

"And he found me when I was in Mystic Falls," I said 

"What month is it?" I asked 

"November," She said 

my eyes got wide,

"Shit..." I mumbled 

"What?" She asked 

"I've been running none stop for two months," I said 

her eyes got wide, 

"Look Kylie, I know something about running, you're safe with me," She said 

I nodded, 

"I'm gonna stay the night, if that's fine I'll be out of you're hair by morning," I said 

She smiled at me, 

"What?" I asked 

"You remind me of myself when I was younger," She said 

"Thanks," I said 

                                            Klaus POV

Two bloody months Kylie has been missing we've been tracking her, she just keeps going, 

"How long is she gonna keep running?" Kol said sounding exhausted 

"Probably until she falls over from exhaustion," Rebekah said worried 

"Whatever this man did to her, she certainly doesn't want no part of him," Elijah said 

"I think she also ran because we found out," I said 

"Why would she run because of that?" Rebekah said 

"Fear is a very powerful emotion, even though she won't admit it I think Kylie is afraid," Elijah said 

"We need to find her," I said 

I kept her stuffed wolf with me as we walked so if I felt as if I was losing her scent I could regain it, 

"Where are you little wolf," I said looking up at the sky

                                              Kylie POV

the next morning I packed up my things, 

"Here," Katherine said handing me a phone, 

"What's this for?" I asked 

"It's a disposable phone, I put my number in it, if you need anything don't hesitate," She said smiling at me 

I hugged her, 

"Thank you," I whispered 

"No problem," she said 

"I'll see you around," Katherine said 

I nodded leaving 

I got back in the woods, taking off running I'm gonna have to keep going no matter what, I thought, 

                                         Klaus POV

Kylie's scent got stronger for a split second, I looked on the ground and found the necklace she always wears, 

"What is it?" Elijah asked 

"Kylie's necklace," I said 

I opened it and I gasped, 

"What's wrong?" Rebekah said 

"I know this woman...." I said dumbfounded 

"Who is she?" Kol said 

"Someone I once knew," I said with wide eyes 

"If this is Kylie's mother, then that means..." I said 

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