Ch. 64 "Series of events"

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                                                                                Kylie POV

Currently I'm sitting on the couch in the living room as My dad paced back and forth, my arms crossed as I slouch, 

"Kylie what am I gonna do with you?!" Daddy said 

"First you keep secrets from me, now you disappear in the middle of the night not to return until morning!" He said 

I just sighed trying to control my temper, 

"You do realize hunters are after you!" He said that's when I got mad

I stood up looking up at him glaring at him, 

"Of course I know! ever since I was a kid I've been hunted so don't ask me if I know!" I yelled 

He looked taken back at first, because I don't really lash back unless necessary,

"I haven't had a life! all I thought about is running away from them and wondering if I was gonna live another day!" I said 

as we were arguing something happened, 

something got thrown through the window and smoke was everywhere I couldn't see, I was coughing, and so was daddy, 

"Kylie!" He said worried 

I went to answer but I felt something get injected into my neck and everything when black, 

                                              Third Person POV

Damon and Stefan were in their room soon they heard a crashing sound then what sounded like tires squealing outside, 

They both soon realized Their prisoner! they both rushed to the basement to see the ropes laying on the ground the chair tipped over but Eric was gone, 

They rushed to the front door to see that it was open and tire skid marks in the driveway, 

They both looked at each other with worry, 

                                          Kylie POV

I felt as if I was laying on hard ground, The last thing I remember was arguing with daddy, My eyelids slowly flutter open they were blurry at first, I blinked a few times and my vision became clear, 

I looked to be in some kind of a room, with no widows,

I was laying on my side, I had a intense headache from what ever I got injected with, 

I hear fast approaching footsteps, the door opened, 

Revealing Eric all bruised up, 

"Hello Sweetheart," He said with a sinister smile, 

No! I thought

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