Ch. 53 "Home"

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                                                            Third Person POV

Klaus was in the drivers seat Rebekah was in the passengers seat Kol and Elijah were in the back Elijah has Kylie in his arms, Klaus was going way over the speed limit, looking in the rearview mirror, They were on their way back to Mystic Falls, 

"How's she doing?" Klaus asked worried looking in the mirror at his brother, 

Kylie had her head borrowed in Elijah's stomach, he had her head in his lap, her legs across Kol's lap, 

"She's burning up," Elijah said worried 

Elijah looked down at Kylie, sweat dripping down her forehead, her breathing ragged, her head turning side to side, her eyes were closed, she was mumbling 

All of the sibling knew something was wrong but they weren't sure what that something was, 

"Step on it Nik, she's not looking good," Rebekah said 

Klaus nodded, 

Shifting the gear to go faster in the car, 

It was nightfall by the time they got back to Mystic Falls, they all pile out of the car, 

Elijah has Kylie in his arms one arm under her knees the other under her neck, 

They make their way upstairs in a empty room, 

"Lay her on the bed," Klaus said 

"What are you going to do?" Kol said 

"Yeah she's not exactly conscious," Rebekah said 

"I know that's why I'm going in her mind to talk to her," Klaus said pulling up a chair right next to her bed, 

"Are you sure about this Niklaus?" Elijah said 

"Yes," Klaus said 

"But if you're not careful you could end up like her," Elijah said 

"I know! but I just found out she's my daughter I've spent an entire summer with her! I'm not gonna lose her now!" Klaus said 

All three siblings nodded, 

Klaus put his hand on her forehead, his eyes glowed werewolf yellow, and closed them, 

                                                Klaus POV

I slowly close my eyes and I'm not in the bedroom anymore I'm in a beautiful meadow, with a summer breeze,

I looked around

 Is this her mind? I thought

"Kylie?" I called 

It was peaceful I started walking around looking for her, Finally I see a Coyote running happily in the tall meadow grass, 

I ran after it as fast as I could, 

"Kylie!" I yelled as I ran

The Coyote stopped, as it turned around it turned into human Kylie, 

"Klaus?" She said confused 

"What are you doing here...." She said 

"I've come to bring you home," I said 

"Home....?" She asked tilting her head, 

"Yes, home" I said Holding out my hand for her to take

"You know why I've been running don't you," She said 

"Yes, love but it's alright he can't hurt you anymore," I said as I approached her

"That's not true," She said looking down like she was hiding something 

"Little wolf you need to come with me, I promise I won't let anything happen to you," I said holding out my hand again 

She hesitated but eventually took it, 

Next thing I know I'm back in the bedroom and her eyes flutter open her bright blue eyes meeting mine, 

                                               Kylie POV

My eyes flutter open and See Klaus and the others staring at me, 

"Welcome back little wolf," Klaus said smiling at me

I lay my head down on the pillow to weak to move, 

"Thanks..." I said weakly 

"Are you alright?" Elijah said with concern, 

"Well..." I said my eyes looking away

"What is it?" Kol asked 

"N-Nothing," I said looking away

"Kylie we know you are lying to us," Rebekah said 

I didn't say anything, 

"Little wolf talk to me," Klaus said 

I looked at them and they are all worried I guess they do care, 

"Well, It hurts...." I said quietly 

That fast Klaus was in front of me, 

"What hurts?" He asked 

I slowly lifted my shirt reveling the big cut with black and purple veins, 

they all gasped, and looked shocked,

"Elijah," Klaus said 

He nodded with that Elijah left the room and everyone was looking at me worried 

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