Ch. 13 "Talk"

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                                                                       Kylie POV

 I hear birds chirping, the sunlight against my heavy eyelids my eyelids slowly flutter open a blanket covers my body I sit up confused I take in my surrounding I'm still in the woods,

"Ah, so you've awoken," I hear a voice 

I look up to see Elijah, I look at him tiredly because to be honest I'm in a tremendous amount of pain,

"Here, I got you some clothing," He said to me sweetly 

"Umm, Thank you," I said in a raspy voice 

"you're welcome please do hurry we have much to discuss," Elijah said as he turned around 

I got dressed in a blue tee shirt jean jacket tore jeans and sneakers,

"What is there to discuss?" I asked walking up to him 

"Come let us walk," Elijah said 

I nodded walking beside him it was silent for a few minutes,

"Kylie how long have you been like this?" He asked me 

I just shrugged, 

"As long as I can remember," I said 

actually thats a lie but I'm not telling him that, I thought 

"Kylie..." He said looking down at me 

"You don't have to do that with me, pretending everything is fine," He said 

"you promise you won't tell," I asked 

"If that is what you wish you have my word," He said 

"Since... I was three," I said 

he looked at me with utter shock,

"you're the first person I've ever told this too, I don't know why but I trust you," I said looking at the ground 

"I don't trust very easily," I said 

"Why is that?" He asked 

"It's.... complicated but the reason I trust you is..... the look in your eyes.... I know that look far too well," I said 

"The look... of regret,.... sadness....tiredness,.....sorrow," I said 

"I know it all too well," I said looking at him 

"And how does a young one such as yourself know such things?" He asked 

"I guess.... you could say experience," I said 

we stopped by a lake looking out at it,

"was your first transformation at the age of three also?" He asked 

I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jean jacket, 

"Kylie whatever you tell me you have my word I won't tell anyone," Elijah said 

I nodded 

"Yes,....." I said closing my eyes reliving the memory

"It took me sixteen hours to transform...." I said letting out a sigh 

"Do you're parents know?" Elijah asked 

Do I tell him that I'm on my own or do I just make something up?

"Kylie?" He said 

I looked up at him,

"umm, I'm..." I said 

I could feel tears rolling down my face,

"Kylie? what is wrong?" He asked 

"I'm sorry it's just the after effects of the full moon, I sometimes get emotional," I said rubbing my eyes 

"It's alright take you're time," He said in a comforting way 

"I'm actually on my own," I said looking up at him 

"But please don't tell anyone, please," I said looking at him with a hopeful look 

"you have my word, Kylie you're secret is safe with me, but..." He said 

I looked at him, 

"Where have you been staying?" He asked 

"mostly foreclosed places," I said 

He nodded,

"But... why so interested? and how did you know what I was when we first met?" I asked 

"Kylie you are very special, and the reason I could tell you were what you are is even though you were masking, I'm an original it doesn't effect us," Elijah said 

I nodded 

"It is best we keep this meeting a secret," Elijah said 

I nodded 

"Okay" I said 

"Will I see you again?" I asked 

"Worry not, you will see me again Kylie but do not trust the werewolf that is in town okay," He said 

I nodded I hugged him 

"Thank you for listening," I said 

"It was an honor," He said smiling with that he walked off

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