Ch. 36"you're special"

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                                                                    Kylie POV

I sat on a bench in the park indian style now tears in my eyes everything I did last night, 

"He was right I am a monster," I mumbled 

"Everyone who knows my secret are in danger of HIM," I said looking at all the kids playing with their parents 

I sighed trying to dull down the pain from transforming, 

                                                Klaus POV

Me and Stefan come to a river, 

"She was here not to long ago," I said looking at Stefan, 

"Why is she avoiding us?" Stefan asked 

"I don't think she is, I think she's trying to gather her thoughts," I said 

Stefan arched his brow, 

"Were the first one's to know about her little secret, she's probably panicking," I said 

continuing following her scent,  

We come to a park where children are playing with their parents teenagers are riding bikes, 

and I spot her sitting on a bench watching the kids play with their parents  in a daze,

"Wait here," I said to Stefan 

I approached her sitting next to her, 

"Hello little wolf," I said smirking 

I could see that she had been crying her eyes were glazed over, 

"How did you find me?" She asked not looking at me, 

"It wasn't hard love," I said 

"Are you going to kill me?" Kylie asked in a low voice, 

I looked at her surprised, 

"Now why on earth would I do that little wolf?" I asked 

she finally looked at me with sorrowful eyes, 

"Because of what I am," Kylie said 

I tucked some of her lose hair behind her ear, 

"I wouldn't dream of it little wolf you are very special," I said smiling at her 

"We are going to talk about this later but first we need to retrieve something of mine," I said standing up 

She nodded 

why on earth would she think I would kill her I thought watching as she walked slowly next to me with her hands in her pockets  

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