Kylie POV
I sat on a bench in the park indian style now tears in my eyes everything I did last night,
"He was right I am a monster," I mumbled
"Everyone who knows my secret are in danger of HIM," I said looking at all the kids playing with their parents
I sighed trying to dull down the pain from transforming,
Klaus POV
Me and Stefan come to a river,
"She was here not to long ago," I said looking at Stefan,
"Why is she avoiding us?" Stefan asked
"I don't think she is, I think she's trying to gather her thoughts," I said
Stefan arched his brow,
"Were the first one's to know about her little secret, she's probably panicking," I said
continuing following her scent,
We come to a park where children are playing with their parents teenagers are riding bikes,
and I spot her sitting on a bench watching the kids play with their parents in a daze,
"Wait here," I said to Stefan
I approached her sitting next to her,
"Hello little wolf," I said smirking
I could see that she had been crying her eyes were glazed over,
"How did you find me?" She asked not looking at me,
"It wasn't hard love," I said
"Are you going to kill me?" Kylie asked in a low voice,
I looked at her surprised,
"Now why on earth would I do that little wolf?" I asked
she finally looked at me with sorrowful eyes,
"Because of what I am," Kylie said
I tucked some of her lose hair behind her ear,
"I wouldn't dream of it little wolf you are very special," I said smiling at her
"We are going to talk about this later but first we need to retrieve something of mine," I said standing up
She nodded
why on earth would she think I would kill her I thought watching as she walked slowly next to me with her hands in her pockets

The Vampire Diaries Lonely
FanfictionKylie an eleven year old girl dark hair and blue eyes arrives in Mystic Falls she befriends the gang not knowingly, she mainly keeps to herself because in her mind you can't get hurt if you have no one to care about But Kylie has a dark secret what...