Third Person POV
It has been about a week since Kylie was taken, Klaus had everyone searching every lead they had,
Even had a witch try to search her location but it always came up empty,
Currently Klaus was in the main room of his house with the Salvatore Brothers and his siblings, he paced back and forth, his anger getting the best of him,
"How the bloody hell can they just invade my home! and take MY Daughter!!" He said
"And what's more of a kick in the ass is there is no bloody trace of them!" He bellowed
"And no one has seen her at all..." Rebekah said sounding sad
"We need to keep looking," Kol said
"Yes, we mustn't give up hope," Elijah said
what was on each and everyone of their minds is they were hoping that she was alright,
Kylie POV
Ever since I got here each morning they inject something into me that prevents me from healing, and keeps me weak,
Of course Eric couldn't fight fair, I thought
Currently I was laying on my stomach in a pool of my own blood, weak, hurt, and in pain,
He always comes in everyday with some sort of weapon,
Yesterdays weapon of choice was a metal batt, so let me tell you I felt each bone break under each blow he delivered,
I looked blankly at the wall,
Is this where I'm gonna die? I thought
I finally had a real family, and now it's gonna get ripped away from me in a second what would they say to me if they were here right now,
'Giving up already are we darling? That doesn't sound like the Kylie I know,' Kol would say
'Just think of how far you have come, are you going to throw that all away now?" Elijah would say
'Are you really going to let some human blood bag defeat you?" Rebekah would say,
'You are a Mikalson, nothing anyone does to you can defeat you, if you don't get you're tiny little attitude of a butt up right now you're gonna lose a lot more than your life, you are a Mikalson start acting like one!" Daddy would say,
I hear the door creak open to see Eric with a sinister smile on his face a crowbar in his hand, I felt the blow to my sides, causing me to gasp in pain,
I see him swing back again hitting me again, feeling the air sucked out of my lungs,
"Act like a Mikalson..." I mumbled
"What was that sweetheart?" He asked
I had my eyes closed. they My eyes snapped open looking at him with the most hate I had for anyone, I took everything he has done to me, all the anger frustration, fear, and focused of that, and when I let emotions ball up to the surface at once it's not good the Coyote in me gets released meaning I snap,
I felt my eyes glow, he backed in in horror, he dropped his weapon the fear in his eyes, I liked the feeling of him being afraid, I wanted him more than afraid, I wanted him terrified so terrified that he would think twice before coming near me again,
Then something just snapped,
I rushed at him, kicking him in the groin, making him bend over in pain, I grabbed the back of his head slamming it into the wall multiple times, with my hand holding tightly on his head, my eyes still glowing, I made him look me in the eyes,
"Your a monster.." He said barley conscious
"No.. you made me,"I said
With my canine teeth showing I took a huge bite out of his neck making sure I hit the jugular vein, I spit out the blood and flesh on to the floor walking out,
Klaus POV
We finally got a lead when two witches combine their power apparently that gives them enough juice to get past even an untraceable WereCoyote,
"I hope this is the break we've been waiting for," Rebekah said
I nodded we all got out of the car and started walking on foot, when we finally made it to the abandoned building, I automatically knew something was amiss,
"Do you smell that?" Kol asked
I nodded and so did the rest of my siblings,
"Blood," We all said

The Vampire Diaries Lonely
FanficKylie an eleven year old girl dark hair and blue eyes arrives in Mystic Falls she befriends the gang not knowingly, she mainly keeps to herself because in her mind you can't get hurt if you have no one to care about But Kylie has a dark secret what...