Ch. 15 "Gone"

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                                                                Kylie POV

after my talk with Elijah I was at the grill Stefan said it was urgent so I got there as fast as I could I see Damon Stefan and Jules,

"Well if it isn't the one I meant to kill, If I knew you had a Coyote backing you up I would have steered clear," She said 

"What do you mean?" Stefan asked 

She reveals her shoulder with a bite mark, I mentally smirked, 

"I would have thought twice before attacking if I knew you two had a wereCoyote backing you guys up," She said 

"We don't," Stefan said 

"well obviously you do, Coyote's don't protect just anyone," She said 

"So there is a WereCoyote in town?" Damon said 

"Obviously," Jules said 

"Tell me a cure for a werewolf bite and I won't kill you," Damon said 

"Promise?" Jules said 

"Yes," Damon said 

"Bite me," She said 

Damon grabs her arm 

"I'm not afraid of you," She said 

"Then you are very very stupid," Damon said 

"How's you're friend? Rose is that her name? have the chills started yet? the unbearable pain?" She asked 

I was starting to get very very angry 

"If there's a cure tell me or start watching your back," Damon said 

"Did I mention the dementia? it'll eat away at her brain soon she'll be rabid you want a cure? I'll tell you the only cure that exists take a stake and drive it through her heart," Jules said 

I take a hold of her arm with both of my hands 

"And what are you going to do cry?" She said 

"No, I had something more painful in mind," I said darkly

"Kylie what are you-" Stefan said 

in one quick motion I broke her arm causing her to scream in agony falling to the floor,

I kneeled down in front of her with a dark look,

"A word of advise... next time you make threats make sure you have allies Jules because in my book YOU'VE just been marked, and FYI you better watch your back because Rose is my friend and if she doesn't make it because of you I suggest you watch your back because I'll be chewing on it," I said in a dark tone

Stefan grabbed my arm and lead me away 

it's just me and Stefan walking Damon had to go take care of Rose,

"What the hell was that?" Stefan asked 

"I don't know I just let my anger get the best of me sometimes," I said looking at him 

"I understand are you going to be Okay?" He asked 

I nodded 

"I'm just tired, just let me know about Rose okay?" I said 

He nodded 

with that I walked back to my place 

I'm out back on the swing when I get a text from Damon, 

"She's gone," He said 

I close my eyes, 

Now I remember why I don't get close to anyone, people get hurt or die I tried to protect them but I failed,

I felt someone sit next to me I see that it's Elijah 

"She's gone," I said almost crying 

"I know," He said bringing me into a hug as I cried 

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