Ch. 44 "Pay"

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                                                                 Kylie POV

My eyelids slowly flutter open, still laying on the ground, I moved my head side to side, I was in some sort of basement, I slowly rise on all four paws, shaking my fur out,

"Where the hell am I?" I thought

"Are you finally awake little wolf?" I heard

I bared my teeth knowing that voice

"Klaus you no good, scoundrel!" I thought

Looking at him through the bars of the opening of the door I glared at him letting out a deep growl,

"You seem quite agitated with me, you see I can't understand why?" Klaus said

"You're so smart you figure it out!" I thought

I lowered my head growling and snarling,

"You are quite angry aren't you?" Klaus said

I backed all the way to the wall and charged to the door ramming it,

"Easy little wolf you're just gonna hurt yourself," Klaus said

I jumped up at the opening bitting the bars aggressively!

"Is that her?" I heard Rebekah's voice

I jump down my ears back I pace back and forth in the room,

"Yes, and she's quite angry," Klaus said

"Well I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say because you ditched her without as much as a goodbye," Rebekah said

"Now there is someone who understands me," I thought

"You did what?" Elijah said

"It's complicated," Klaus said

they all left to talk probably,

I shake my head

"I need to get out of here I'm not staying here!" I thought

I backed up again hitting the door again back up again I hit the door over and over again until,


the door falls to the ground,

                                           Klaus POV

It's me Kol Elijah and Rebekah,

"Look I left because of our father was woken up by the Salvatore's I thought keeping her under the care of Stefan was best," I said

"Is that what you really think?" Elijah said glaring at me

"You can't expect her to be so forgiving you pretty much dumped her to the side like a bag of garbage," Rebekah said

"I did no such thing, I was simply thinking on my feet," I said

"No you were thinking about yourself like always," Kol said chiming in

"Oh what do you know you've never met her," I said

"Oh but I've heard stories of her," Kol said smirking

"My question is why hasn't she changed back?" Elijah asked confused

"It is curious?" I said

"BANG!!!" we heard the sound of a door collapsing

We all turn around to see a very angry Kylie,

Her eyes glowing baring her teeth,

I held up my hands in defense meaning that I meant peace,

Her ears were back

Her ears were back

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"Kylie easy..." I said

She growled

                                                 Kylie POV

I was so angry but I didn't want to hurt anyone so I did the one thing I was good at I ran I jumped through the window and took off for my cave inside my cave was a blanket my mother gave me when I was little and a stuffed wolf Elijah gave me when he was taking care of me,

I was so angry but I didn't want to hurt anyone so I did the one thing I was good at I ran I jumped through the window and took off for my cave inside my cave was a blanket my mother gave me when I was little and a stuffed wolf Elijah gave me when...

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I lay down in the cave I need to keep calm maybe If I go for a run I thought getting up taking off running,

                                                Elijah POV

"Well that went well," Rebekah said

I started walking out,

"Where do you think you're going?" Niklaus asked

"To find her," I said grabbing a blanket

"I'm coming with you" Rebekah said

with that we both walked out,

"So why do you think she's so hostile?" Rebekah asked me as we were walking through the woods

"My guess is because of Niklaus's abandonment," I said

She nodded

" Wait," I said holding up my hand

"What is it?" She asked

"Over there," I said nodding towards a cave

we find a knitted blue and white blanket and the stuffed  wolf I gave her before I was daggered

"What is all of this stuff?" Rebekah said

"This is Kylie we found her, well where she sleeps anyway," I said

"Where is she?" Rebekah said

"Probably blowing off steam," I said as I picked up the stuffed wolf smiling

"Come on we better get out of here she smells us in her home she won't come back," I said with that we left,

                                                               Kylie POV

I got back to my cave and smelled intruders!

"Who was in here!" I thought

"And my stuffed wolf is missing!"

"Who ever did this is gonna pay!!" I thought

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