Ch. 11 "Originals Part 2"

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                                                                                     Kylie POV

Me, Damon and Rose are in a parking garage underground

"Back entrance, How convenient," Damon said 

I hopped out of the car 

"That's the point we can't all have little daylight rings," Rose said 

"Oh burn," I said smirking 

"How do you know this Slater guy is even here?" Damon asked 

"I called him he's here he's always here," Rose said 

"Good," Damon said 

Damon pushes her against the wall at super speed

"Damon!" I yelled 

"Quiet Tiny adults are talking, Just one thing if you're setting me up in any way I will rip your heart out and shove it down your throat it's something I'm very good at," Damon said 

Rose grabs him and pushes him against the car at super speed twisting his arm behind his back 

"I'm older than you and stronger don't get on my bad side," Rose said 

she lets him go 

"you can trust me," Rose said 

"I like her," I said looking up at him 

he smiled back at me 

we enter the coffee shop,

"Whoa what about the sunlight?" Damon said 

"Double paned and tempered UV rays can't penetrate you see the appeal now?" Rose said 

a man walks up to us 

"That and the free Wi-Fi" Slater said 

Rose hugs him 

"Hey how are you?" Rose said 

"Good I saw you come what are you doing here?" He asked 

"Mm, it's a long story but I want you to meet..." Rose said 

"Damon Salvatore turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova so I take it I was right what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?" Slater said 

"Oh he's good," I said 

he looks at me 

"Who's this?" He asked 

"Slater this is Kylie," Rose said 

I shook his hand 

"Very nice to meet you Kylie," He said smiling at me I nodded 

"and yes it was right thank you for the tip," Rose said 

Slater looks at Damon 

"It's nice too meet you, Maybe, what's going on Rose? Where's Trevor?" he asked 

I looked at Rose with sadness knowing he was her best friend and has lost him, 

were all sitting at a table in the coffee shop talking,

"Here's what I don't get Elijah moved around during the day which means the originals knew the secret of the day ring now why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon," Damon said 

"Too keep the werewolves from lifting it if a vampire breaks the sun curse then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa," Slater said 

I wish I thought 

"But werewolves are extinct," Rose said 

"according to who," I said arching my brow

everyone looked at me I just shrugged, 

"Tiny is right it's not such a rumor," Damon said 

"Mystic Falls?... God I've got to visit this place it sounds awesome," Slater said 

I smell something, I thought I breathe in and out the smell is somewhat familiar I make eye contact with Elijah he smiles at me then throws coins at the window causing it to shatter I stood there frozen speechless as people were running around panicking he was gone and so was Rose and Damon 

"I guess I'm walking home," I said leaving the shop 

But what is very curious is no one knows about my kind I wonder why I thought I look up at the moon the full moon is in a few days, I'm really not looking forward to it, I thought continuing to walk, 

                                                 Third Person POV

what Kylie didn't know was that a certain Original was following her watching her movements intently, he could see in her face that she was thinking really hard about something that was causing her worry he wanted to make sure that the child got home safely the only one knowing what she truly was 

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