Ch. 48 "Decisions"

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                                                                   Kylie POV

My eyes flutter open I am in so much pain from the force of changing back, I look at the clock and see that it's 4AM I look up and see Elijah is still asleep, 

I slowly creep out of bed getting dressed slowly I'm sweating even though I'm not hot I just shake it off, 

I need to go think I thought I put my shoes on brush my teeth and hair and walk out of the house, 

I can't stay here much longer it's a matter of time before he finds me, I thought 

I come to the quarry in the woods looking out sitting on the edge of the cliff my elbows on my knees 

Sigh, "What a mess," I thought

                                        Klaus POV

I'm sitting in a chair near the window drinking out of my glass, 

I hear Elijah make his way to me, 

I look a him he's looking around, 

"What is it?" I asked 

"Have you seen Kylie?" He asked 

"No, she's probably still sleeping," I said 

He shook his head, 

"No I checked she's not in the house," He said 

"What?" I said standing up, 

"I guess we better find her, who knows what kind of trouble she's getting in to," I said with a smirk, 

                                       Kylie POV

I hear crunching of leaves and sticks I stand up, and see the man i never wanted to see again, 

"Hey sweetie miss me?" He said with a smirk

(Sorry it was so short)

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