Ch. 42 "Coyote"

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Kylie POV

Running thats all I've been doing, I've been stuck like this for weeks? Month? I lost my sense of time,

the good thing is now that I'm stuck like this He will have a harder time tracking me down since I normally turn into the Coyote when it's a full moon I don't know why I turned that day, or why I'm stuck like this,

I was in New Orleans for a little bit, then Colorado, but some how I'm back in Mystic Falls, I feel this pull to it for some reason,

Third Person POV

Elijah is standing before Klaus, wiping the blood off his hands with a white handkerchief after killing Daniel,

"You look surprised to see me so it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?" Elijah said

"You look like you could do with a drink and we have a lot to discuss so shall we?" Klaus said

Elijah attacks him Klaus flies through the window

"Easy I just finished renovating," Klaus said

Klaus rushes at Elijah and Elijah crashes into a table breaking it,

"You know you have every right to be mad at me But I kept my word I reunited you with our family," Klaus said

Elijah attacks him again and Klaus is knocked against a coffin He opens the one next to it endangers Kol who is lying inside rushes to Elijah and holds him against a closed coffin by his throat he holds the dagger up threateningly

"Don't make me do this to you again Elijah!" Klaus said

"Come on, use it I dare you. you'll have Kol to deal with," Elijah said

Klaus lowers the dagger,

"Mikael is dead," Klaus said

Klaus releases his grip and Elijah stands up surprised,

"What did you say?" Elijah said

"I killed him with his own weapon he's gone Elijah Forever," Klaus said

"Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years. Kol for over a century," Elijah said

"Because of Stefan Salvatore he holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them there are things that you do not know about our past Elijah our mother's death things I never wanted you to know but I'm ready to tell you now I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me," Klaus said

Klaus puts the dagger back into Kol's chest,

"What are you doing?" Elijah said

"Always and forever I need you to stand by my side be my brother help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again," Klaus said

Kylie POV

I'm in the woods chowing down on a rabbit when I hear voices so I decide to follow it,

I see Damon and Elijah, I stay hidden,

"Elijah my favorite Original back from the dead clean up nice," Damon said

"You left something in my jacket pocket" Elijah said

He pulls out a paper from his pocket

"Oh yeah, "Dear Elijah, lets get together plot the destruction of your bother XOXO." Damon said

"Damon," Elijah said

"Was I right to under you or are we gonna have a problem?" Damon said

"I'm here lets talk, but first have you see Kylie?" Elijah asked

"I'll start with an easy question any ida what kind of Klaus Killing weapon could be magically sealed in a mystery coffin? and were not sure.... she's missing," Damon said worried

I'm just gonna lay low to see what happens,

Third Person POV

Elijah barged into the mansion,

"Niklaus!" Elijah shouted

"What is it Elijah?" Klaus asked

"How could you keep the fact from me that Kylie is missing?" Elijah said irritated

Klaus sighed walking down the stairs,

"When I left to build my Hybrids I left her in the care of a compelled Stefan Salvatore a few weeks ago he informed me that after my departure she just disappeared," Klaus said

Elijah's eyes got wide,

"I've got my Hybrids keeping an eye out but no luck," Klaus said

Kylie POV

I'm down low on my belly about to pounce when I hear footsteps and my prey gets away,

I turn around and see a, I smell the air,


His back was to me I was beyond pissed, I charged him but before he could turn around to see what was happening I already had him on the ground,

I latched onto his arm clawing at his chest while I was still on top of him,

he pushed me off of him and I charged him again before he could get up I latched on to his other arm causing him to yell in pain,

my paws clawing at his throat, causing him to scream again, he pushed me off of him yet again, this time I latched my mouth around his leg, dragging him across the dirt, I let go hoping I got my point across I bared my teeth at him and glowing my eyes at him,

my paws clawing at his throat, causing him to scream again, he pushed me off of him yet again, this time I latched my mouth around his leg, dragging him across the dirt, I let go hoping I got my point across I bared my teeth at him and glowing my ...

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He looked at me in shock, and took off running,

Yeah you better run! I thought,

Now I have to find something else to eat,

Third Person POV

Klaus and Elijah were in the middle of talking about what had all happened after he dagger him when two Hybrids came in carrying a very badly injured Hybrid,

"What the bloody hell happened?" Klaus asked looking at the injured Hybrid,

"I was looking in the woods for the kid you wanted us to find," He said

"Then out of no where I was attacked from behind, I didn't hear it coming," He said

"What coming?" Elijah said

"The Coyote, no matter how much I fought back it just came right back at me stronger," He said in a weak voice,

"Why aren't my wounds healing?" The Hybrid asked

"I don't know?" Klaus said

"Tell me exactly where you were in the woods," Klaus said looking at the Hybrid

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