Kylie POV
my eyes flutter open I hear voices I see that I'm on a couch, I must have fell asleep again I thought,
"I heard about this one vampire crazy bloke always on and off the wagon for decades when he was off he was magnificent 1917 he went into Monterrry and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper sound familiar?" I hear Klaus talk
I sat up on the couch my eyes adjusting
"I haven't been that way in a very long time," I hear Stefan
"Well that's the vampire I can make a deal with that is the kind of talent that I can use when Me and Kylie leave town," I hear Klaus say
I can't seem to focus, my body hurts
I see Stefan get up off the floor,
"Katerina come here," Klaus said
Katerina gets closer he takes her arm his face changes his eyes are yellow and he bites her
"Ah! No No... No No No," She said freaking out
Klaus bites his wrist and makes her drink his blood her wound heals Klaus looks at Stefan
"You want your cure there it is," Klaus said
"your blood is the cure," Stefan said shocked
"Gotta love Mother Nature," Klaus said
Klaus puts his hand on Stefan's shoulder
"Now... lets talk you and I" Klaus said
Klaus is squeezing a knife blade tightly and blood is pouring from his hand into a vial Stefan is looking at him Katherine is in retreat looking at them,
"There it is you want to save your brother? how about a decade long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town," Klaus said
"I'm not like that anymore," Stefan said
"Well that's too bad you would have made a hell of a wingman," Klaus said
He starts to pour the blood down the sink,
"Wait." Stefan said
Klaus stops pouring the blood,
"Now that's more like it I want you to join me for a drink," Klaus said
He throws him a blood bag along the counter Stefan takes it Klaus watches while drinking his glass of blood Stefan takes a sip from the blood bag, makes me want to puke I thought
"Finish it all fit you do everything I say and I save your brother that's the deal," Klaus said
Stefan drinks all of it Klaus throws him another blood bag
"Again," Klaus said
Stefan Drinks,
I couldn't watch anymore while they were all distracted, I decided to stretch my legs and bones they didn't even notice I walked out
I wonder what happened to Elijah I thought as I was walking I got the strange sense that I was being watched I sniffed the air I looked behind me to see no one I shook my head and went to walk but then right in front of me was Klaus
"Jeez Klaus," I said with my hand over my heart
"Sorry little wolf didn't mean to scare you," He said
"And where were you off to?" He said crossing his arms
I shrug,
"To stretch my legs," I said
he looks at me like he doesn't believe me,
"Come on little wolf it's time to go," He said holding his hand out to me
I nodded taking his hand

The Vampire Diaries Lonely
FanfictionKylie an eleven year old girl dark hair and blue eyes arrives in Mystic Falls she befriends the gang not knowingly, she mainly keeps to herself because in her mind you can't get hurt if you have no one to care about But Kylie has a dark secret what...