Ch. 23 "the last day part 1"

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                                                                       Kylie POV

after telling Elijah everything that has happened since he disappeared, he told me that Elena Daggered him but they made up, 

right now I'm in the kitchen of the Salvatore boarding house eating a sandwich, what can I say I'm stressed, 

suddenly I hear a loud ban and hear shouting,

"Get out!" Jenna yelled 

I run to the entrance to see Alaric,

"Jenna, Jenna!" Alaric said Jenna had a crossbow aimed at him 

"Jenna, put the crossbow down okay? it's me," Rick said 

Klaus kept his word! I thought he kept his part of the deal, 

"What's going on?" Elena said 

"It's me Elena, I swear, Okay he let me go Klaus let me go," Rick said 

"Prove it," Damon said 

He looked at Jenna 

"Okay, uh the first night you and I spent together,Jeremy walked in right when I was about to..." Rick said 

Elijah covered my ears

"Okay it's him," Jenna said 

"Why did he let you go?" Stefan said 

I slowly and quietly start to back up,But I forgot Elijah was right behind me,

"He made a deal with somebody," Rick said 

Rick spared a quick glance at Me 

Damon and everyone was confused, Damon crossed his arms,

"Who did he make a deal with?" Damon said 

"Kylie..." Rick mumbled 

every one stood there is shock,

"Apparently, he was going to kill me in the end but Kylie stopped him before he could," Rick said 

"Kylie what have you done?" Elijah said 

"What was the deal?" Damon said angry 

"Kylie..." Elena said 

I averted my eyes looking at my feet 

"I... I have to leave Mystic Falls with Klaus after the ritual ends and stay with him," I said sadly 

Everyone looked at me in shock that I would do such a thing, I am eleven so I guess it is shocking that I would make such a deal

"Please let it go, Klaus lived up to his word as I will live up to min," I mumbled stuffing my hands in my pockets 

Elijah put his hand my my shoulder in order to comfort me,

they turned back to Rick with wide eyes,

"He wanted me to deliver a message the sacrifice happens tonight," Rick said 

I walked outside as the gentle breeze blew my hair,I look up at the sky, this isn't a sacrifice to me I've always been in my own kind of hell on the run looking over my shoulder constantly, the only difference is I'm gonna be with Klaus,

I hear footsteps, I see Rick, 

"you know you didn't have to do that," Rick said 

"Yes, I did," I said closing my eyes 

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