Ch. 35 "Memories and Guilt"

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Third Person POV

Klaus and Stefan get out of the car leaving a still unconscious Kylie in the back seat,

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan" Klaus said

"what are we doing here?" Stefan said looking in at Kylie sleeping

"I know how much you loved it here bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?" Klaus said also looking at the sleeping child,

"Blacked out most of them, A lot of blood a lot of partying, the details are all a blur," Stefan said

"Well that is a crying shame the details are what make it legend," Klaus said

they walk off to go talk knowing it might be a while when Kylie will wake up,

Kylie POV


Kylie Hung from her chains blood dripping from her wounds that won't heal,

He father walked in with a hot poker,

"How are we today?" He asked

"Why are you doing this?" Kylie asked weakly

"Because you are an abomination! something that shouldn't exist!" He father yelled

"But you're my father..." Kylie said weakly

"No I'm not! I knew the moment you were born you weren't mine!" He said

"What?" Kylie said slowly lifting her head,

"I'm not you're real father," He said glaring at her,

"Now prepare yourself for a world of pain," He said smirking with the poker in his hands

End Nightmare

I gasped awake

My breathing ragged sweat dripping down my forehead I sit up realizing I'm in a backseat of a car wrapped like a burrito, in a blanket I unwrap my self realizing I'm in my birthday suit,

"Great.." I mumbled

I look on the floor and see some Clothing and a note

"For when you wake up little wolf, Klaus" it said

"at least he thinks of that kind of stuff," I mumbled

after I get dressed I walk out of the garage, and see I'm in a major city, Chicago the one sign said

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after I get dressed I walk out of the garage, and see I'm in a major city, Chicago the one sign said

"Might as well take a walk since the cat is out of the bag who knows what they are gonna do to me now," I mumbled

I groggily walked through the city, my body achy and hurt I could tell that I had a fever again my vision was blurry,

"I hate the after effects of the full moon," I mumbled

I come to a river where there is a bridge above where cars cross,

I feel tears welling up in my eyes, why does my life have to be so hard, I thought

all the people I killed and tore apart last night they both probably think of me as a monster, I thought looking at the water,

Third Person POV

Stefan and Klaus both made their way back to the car only to see the back door open and Kylie missing,

"Well she didn't stick around long," Stefan said

"She's probably panicking, did you know what she was?" Klaus said looking over his shoulder as he grabbed the blanket she was wrapped in,

"No, I think she deliberately kept it from us," Stefan said

"Oh, and why is that?" Klaus said fully turning around

"I don't know?" Stefan said

"She and her family just moved to Mystic Fall not too long ago," Stefan said

"I'm astonished at how much you and your friends pay attention," Klaus said

Stefan looked at him confused,

"Think about it girl comes to town survives werewolves can fight is faster than you and you don't find that at all odd?" Klaus said as he sniffed the blanket to get her scent

"Well a lot was happening for us.." Stefan said

But Klaus cut him off,

"To notice clearly," Klaus said

"Come on I've got her scent," Klaus said with that they walked out of the garage

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