Chapter 1

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Taylor POV

"Dear god I'm tired!" I started whining because I cannot for the life of me keep on unpacking anymore. Me and my best friend since we were 15 just moved into a nice beach house and I must say I didn't expect the view to be this amazing.

"Hey Melissa! I'm going on a walk with Scooby. You wanna come along?" I shouted to my best friend "No thanks. I wanna finish unpacking" She shouted back. With that I got Scooby, our Great Dane, and went for a walk. I decided to wear my Kelley O'Hara soccer jersey cuz I'm pumped about the game coming and she is my favourite player on the team.

As I'm walking I started to throw the tennis ball for Scooby and he ran after it. That went on for a few minutes until I threw the ball a bit further and waited for Scooby to return with it but he never did. I saw a bunch of girls surrounding Scooby some are on the one side, to scared to go near him and the other started playing with him and petting him.

As I got closer I recognized the girls. They were the USWNT. The frikking USWNT!!! I started heading towards the group of girls "Scooby!" I called out and a bunch of heads looked my way.

"I'm so sorry about him. He sometimes just runs off." I started to apologise. "Hey don't worry about it we like dogs.. well some of us." I looked up and saw that it was Kelley who was talking. She motions to the small group of girls that isn't anywhere near Scooby. We all chuckled at the comment.

"Hey nice jersey." She commented. I turned red and looked down at my hands. There is a bit of an awkward silence until she breaks it. "Hey are you going to the game?" She asked with a wide smile plasterd on her face and I swear to god I felt my knees give in. "Um.. uh no I...I don't have tickets. I was to late and they were all sold out." I said rubbing the back of my neck and feeling kind of embarrassed and nervous because I'm talking to THE Kelley O'Hara.

"No worries. I can get you tickets. Even better I'll get you field tickets." She replied. "Oh wow.. Thank you so much. I don't know what to say..." "It's no problem really." There was a silence once again but this time we just stared into each other.

God she was beautiful. I examined her face, the way her hazel eyes shined as she sun reflected off them and how her sprouts covered most of her face and how perfect her smile is. We got snapped out of our trances by someone talking.

"Um Kelley? We have to get back to the hotel. Coach wants us all there." Alex said. "Well it was a pleasure meeting you Kelley." I said and stuck out my hand. She looked at me as if I did something wrong. She then pulled me into a hug "The pleasure is all myne." She said with another one of her million dollar smiles.

I turned around and started walking back home but a voice stopped me in my tracks. "Hey I never got your name." She called out "Taylor... Taylor Anderson" I replied "Well I'll see you at the game Anderson!" She said and winked at me.

With that I went home with smile on my face. I can't believe I practically met the whole USWNT team and had an actual conversation with Kelley frikking O'Hara.

Kelley's POV

Wow... just wow. As I'm walking back to the hotel I kept thinking about Taylor. How shy she was and shocked when she realised who we were. At least she wasn't like most fans that come and tackle you just for a signature but besides that she was really pretty. I was really mesmerized by her beauty, how her blond hair waved in her ponytail as the wind blew a bit. How she blushed when she said something and her smile, oh my gosh it's to die for.

"Kelley what has you smiling like an idiot?" I didn't know if I should tell her or not. "I saw this funny video earlier today and now I can't stop thinking about it." I lied and hoped that Alex believed me but she knows me like the back of her hand.

"Stop lying Kells.." I didn't protest or anything and that just made her more suspicious. "Ok fine, you got me.... I was thinking about Taylor." I said looking at the ground. "Who's Taylor?" She asked. "She.. She's that uh girl we met on the beach" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"I knew it!!" She yelled "Shhh" I tried but Allie heard Alex yell "Knew what?" She asked "You remember that girl on the beach earlier?" Alex started to explain "Yeah what about her?" "Well our little squirrel here has a little crush on her." "Really? Wow Kells I didn't expect that... but I'm happy for you squirrel."

"Could you guys keep it on the down low for now please?" "Yeah sure" they said simultaneously.

As I got in my bed all I could think about is Taylor. I might actually really like her.

First chapter done. I hope you enjoyed it. comment and vote..

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