Chapter 19

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"Babe have you packed everything you need?" I asked Kelley. Today is the day we leave to go to South-Africa and to say I'm excited is an understatement. "All done, you ready?" She asked as she came downstairs. "You know it" I say and pecked her lips.

We decided it's best if we call someone to come and pick us up to take us to the airport so that our car doesn't have to stay at the airport while we're gone. We sat on the couch waiting for Melissa to come and pick us up. I noticed Kelley a bit nervous. She usually plays with a small scar on her right arm.

"Hey, what's got you so nervous?" I asked scooting closer to her. "I'm not nervous, why do you think I'm nervous?" She asked. I gave her a look and pointed to her fingers tracing over her scar.

"I'm just..... I'm meeting your mom. what if she doesn't like me? Or what if your siblings don't like me?" She asked looking at me. "Hey there is nothing to worry about okay? She will love I can tell you that and she is really excited to meet you. And besides only Evan will be there. Eric and his family is visiting his wife's parents and the same goes for Luca. So you really have nothing to worry about." I finish of taking her hands in mine and kissing her knuckles.

"I love you so much," She says with a smile on her face and pulled me onto her lap and kissed me but I could tell that she put so much emotion and passion in that kiss. I pulled away and put a strand of hair behind her ear.

We heard a honk outside and I looked through the window seeing Melissa's car outside. "C'mon our ride is here," I say grabbing my bags and opening the door. Kelley stood up and grabbed her bags as well and walked towards the car.

"Thank you again for taking us to the airport Melis, I really appreciate it." I say giving my best friend a hug. "Anytime you loser. Now get your butts in the car or you'll miss your flight." She says and I chuckle. "SHOTGUN!" I yell as I close the trunk.

We played some music on the way and I could see Kelley filming us from the backseat as me and Melissa goofed around and sung our lungs out to our favourite songs and within a long few minutes we arrived at the airport.

Kelley got our stuff out the trunk and put our stuff down next to me. "Alright we gotta get going, thank you again for the ride and please don't do stupid stuff while I'm not here," I say as I give Melissa one last hug. "Not promising anything," She replies and I roll my eyes.


"Thanks for the ride," I say and gave her a hug. "Pleasure and Kelley take care of her over there. It's been hard on her and her family since her dad." She says pulling away. I gave her a knowing look, "Always," I reply. Taylor's dad died about a year ago due to lung cancer.

"Hey are you ready to go?" I asked grabbing onto her hand. "Yeah let's go," She said grabbing her bags. We entered the airport hand in hand and I can see some people with their phones and cameras taking pictures.

Me and Taylor haven't announced that we are dating to the public but we weren't hiding it either. As we were waiting for our flight to be called I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around and saw a little girl with this cute soccer shirt on.

"Hi sweetie what can I do for you?" I ask. She looked down at the soccer ball that she had, "Miss Kelley can I please get an autograph and a picture of us?" She asked with the cutest little smile on her face.

"Sure, what is your name?" I asked her signing the ball. "Oh uh my name is Kristen," She replied. "Well it is an honour to meet you Kristen. Do you play soccer?"

"Yes, I'm a defender and I play with the boys because my school doesn't have a girls team, but sometimes the boys are mean to me because I play with them but I think they are just jealous. But someday I want to play for the Women's National Team just like you." She says looking very proud of herself. I smile and crouch down to her height.

"Well done, I'm so proud of you. I know it's hard to play with boys because you're a girl but that shouldn't get in the way of you playing soccer. Oh and I think you are right about the boys being jealous, you are better than them and they don't like it. can I give you some advise?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, "Don't ever back down when they are mean to you, hold your head up and show them why you belong on their team and never give up on your dreams no matter how big or small it is okay?" I finished placing my hand on her little shoulder.

"Thank you miss Kelly, I won't give up and I will keep on working hard," She said with a bright smile. "That is the right attitude, now how about that picture?" I asked and she nodded her head. She looked up at her parents and her mom got out her phone.

I rested my one knee on the ground, like a lunge position and Kristen came and stood in front of me. once the picture was taken she turned around and gave me a big hug almost tackling me to the ground. I let out an chuckle and wrapped my arm around her small body.

"Thank you so much miss Kelley," She said a smiled at me. "Please call me Kelley, and you are very welcome." I replied ruffling her hair a bit. I stood up and shook her parents hands. "Thank you. That really meant a lot to her coming from you," Her mother said. "It's my pleasure, really. But if she wants to get to the top she'll need support and encouragement especially from you guys," I say to them. They nodded their heads and turned around walking away.

"That was really cute bub," I hear Taylor say as she took my hand in hers. I smile an pecked her lips. Shortly after our flight was called and we headed to security, checked our bags in and boarded the plane.

"Here we go," I say as the plane took off. A few minutes later I felt Taylor's head on my shoulders. I took a picture of us and saw that she was sleeping.

I posted the picture with the caption off to a new adventure with this one... can't wait

I turned a bit and kissed her head. I put in my air pods and closed my eyes.

God I really love this goofball next to me and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.






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