Chapter 43

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Today is an off day for the team. We have four more days in England then we head back to the U.S, but right now me and Kelley were laying in bed. She snuck in somewhere in the night, not that I mind it one bit.

I was lying on my side when I feel my girlfriend pull me in closer to her. She lets out a satisfied sigh and kiss the back of my neck. "That's better," She says and I feel myself smiling. I turn around in her arms to face her and I kiss her on the nose. I place my hand on her cheek and rub my thumb up and down. She opens her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Happy one year my love," She says as she rubs her hand up and down by back. "Happy one year lief," I smile and she leans in to kiss me. "So, I have a little something planned for today, but I have a staff meeting for I don't know how long and then we have today all to ourselves." I say and place a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "That's alright. What have you planned?" My girlfriend asks. "We are going for a helicopter ride over the city." I smile at her.

"Now I can't wait, I hope the meeting is quick," She pouts and I kiss her. "I'm going to get ready." I say and get out of bed. When I stood up I feel Kelley drag me down back onto the bed. "One more kiss?" She asks innocently and I chuckle. She leans down and pecks my lips before pulling back. "Okay, now you can get ready," She says and I laugh.

I quickly shower and get dressed. It took me all about twenty minutes to finish up. "Alright, I'm heading out. Please don't do anything stupid," I say more with amusement than seriously. "Yes ma'am," She says saluting me. I laugh and give her a kiss before heading out the door and to the conference room the meeting is in.

I quickly grab myself a coffee and take my seat. "Good morning everyone," Vlatko says and we all mumble an morning back. "First off, happy one year Taylor to you and Kelley," He says and my eyes widen, "How'd you know?" I ask with a smile. "I have my ways," He says making the room chuckle.

"So I called you in here to discuss...."


A long three hours later we were finally done with the meeting. On my way back to my room I probably got my sixth or seventh cup of coffee.

As I unlock the door I hear Kelley and Sonnet singing a Disney song that's playing in the background. I walk into the room and laugh at the duo with brushes in their hands as mics. Kelley jumps off the bed and lands in front of me. She wraps her arm around my waist pulling me closer just as the song ends.

"Looks like you guys had fun," I say and chuckle. "Jip, we sure did." Kelley says and we laugh. "Oh happy one year guys," Sonnet says. "Thanks Emily," I say. "I'll see you guys later," She says and leaves the room.

"How was the meeting?" Kelley asks as I take off my jacket. "It was alright. It was longer than we expected though," I say. "We have about five more hours before the helicopter ride," I add. "That's alright, but I do have something to give you so wait here," She says before heading into the bathroom. I hear some rustling and the she comes out with her hands behind her back. "Close your eyes," I do as instructed and I smile.

"Hold out your hands," She says and I hold it out. I feel her placing something in my hand, "Open them," I hear her say and I open my eyes. In my hands is a box with a blue ribbon on top. I untie the ribbon and open the box. I smile and take out the watch inside. "It's beautiful," I say and look up to her. "Read the back," She says.

"Forever stuck with me," I read and look up at her. "Kelley, it's perfect. I love it and I love you," I say and bring her in for a kiss. "I love you too, here let me put it on for you," She says and I hold out my wrist. I look down to her hands putting on the watch with a smile on my face then look at her.

"What are you looking at?" She ask playing dumb, "You, I'm so so happy with you and I can't imagine not ever having you in my life," I say and wrap my arms around her neck. She pulls me closer by my waist and I smile. She connects our lips and pulls away, "What are we going to do while we wait?" She asks and I grin.

"I have something in mind," I say and peck her lips. I walk us backwards to the bed and I flop down on my back. Kelley climbs on top of me and smiles. "Oh I like this," She says and I chuckle. She connects our lips once more and one thing led to another.





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