Chapter 47

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"Is everybody ready!" Kelley yells from the bottom of the stairs. We leave today to go to South-Africa and Kelley is a bit nervous seeing as it's the first time our families meet in person. Everyone comes downstairs with their luggage and Kelley sighs a sigh of relieve. "Yes honey, we're all ready," Her mom says kissing the top of her head. "Don't stress, they'll love each other," I say reassuringly to my girlfriend. She smiles at me and we all walk outside. Jerry could unfortunately not make it because he had to go back to work.

"I got all of us an Uber so your cars doesn't have to stay at the airport while we're gone." I say as the Uber cars stop in front of the drive way. The drivers helped us to put our luggage in the trunks and a few minutes we were on our way to the airport.


A few very long hours later we finally made in safely in South-Africa. We're all waiting at baggage claim for our stuff and once we got all of it we walk outside to meet my sister and brother who is picking us up. They were both leaning against the car and once Evan made eye contact with me a huge smile grew on her face. She and Luca came over to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"I've missed you guys," I say and pull away from the group hug. "We've missed your ass too," Luca says rubbing my hair. "There she is!" Evan yells as she spots Kelley. "The queen is here," Kelley says making us laugh. "It's good to see you again." Evan says pulling her into a hug. "You too," She says.

"Alright every one. This is my sister, Evan, and one of my brothers, Luca. Evan, Luca this is Kelley's mom, Karen, her dad, Dan, her brother Jerry, her sisters boyfriend Marc and lastly her sister, Erin." I introduce them and they all greeted each other.

We all soon got into separate cars and were on our way home. Luckily the house is big enough to house a whole lot of people. "It feels good to be back," I say as Evan parks the car in the driveway. I got out and went to greet my mom and Luca's wife and daughter. I once again introduced everyone to each other. We shortly after took all our luggage to our rooms to unpack and settle in before dinner.

"I'm exhausted," My girlfriend says as she plops down on our bed. "Hmm you look quite tire," I say and lay down next to her propping myself up on my elbows. I leaned down kissing her on the nose and I see a smile form on her face. "I think dinner is almost ready. We can come and sleep after we eat." I say and she nods her head. "Sounds good to me."


The next day we were all well rested. We showed the O'Hara family around town today which was exciting. We're all currently back at the house getting ready to go to the beach.


"You can do this. No need to be nervous you got this, what am I saying? Of course I'm nervous I mean it's not every fucking day you're about to ask the love of your life to marry you is it? And in front of our families on top of that too. Okay, Kelley just chill and take a deep breath," I ramble to myself as I pace up and down in our room. "Hey, Kelley she's going to say yes." My sister says coming into the room.

"You really think so?" I ask fiddling with my fingers. "Yes. I see the way she looks at you. That girl loves you with everything she has in herself and if she says no, which I know she won't, then it's her loss, but Kelley my money is on your girl," Erin says giving me a hug. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. "Thanks Erin. I needed that." I say and pull away.

"Now come on, we don't want to keep anyone waiting," Erin says walking out of the room. "Piggy back ride bitch!" I say as I jump onto her back. "Language Kelley," I hear Andy say from behind us. I giggle and jump off Erin's back and go over to kiss my hopefully soon to be fiancée. I take her hand in mine as we walk downstairs.

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