Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up with the sun shining through the window. "Danm I really need to put up the curtains" I grumbled rubbing me eyes.

I laid for a few more minutes in bed scrolling trough social media when I came upon Kelley's account on Instagram. I suddenly started smiling like an idiot and replayed yesterdays events on the beach.

I decided to get up and get some coffee so I went into the kitchen and saw my best friend sitting by the counter sipping her coffee.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" She said until she noticed the smile I still had on my face. "What has you smiling like that?"

"You wouldn't believe if I told you.." I replied. "Bitch try me.."

"Ok so you know who Kelley O'Hara is right?" I started "Yeah why?" She asked. "Well yesterday when I went for a walk on the beach with Scooby he suddenly ran off and I found him with a group of girls. Long story short it was the USWNT and I so happened to wear my Kelley soccer jersey and she noticed and she sort of bought us tickets to the game."

"Well f#ck me and call me Susie. The one time I decided not to come along I missed all the action."

I laughed at her response and continued to drink my coffee that I started making while telling the story.

"Well I'm hungry so I'm gonna go look for a café or something." "Alright I already ate so I'm not coming along" Melissa said. "Suit yourself" and with that I left.

I went to the café right at the beach that just opened up. I sat down in a booth and gave my order to the waitress. As I'm waiting for my food I started to scroll through social media again when a familiar voice called out my name

"Anderson. Fancy seeing you again." When I looked up it was the one and only.. yep you guessed it.. Kelley.

"The same goes to you" I said with a small smile. "You mind if I join you?" She asked gesturing to the open seat in front of me.

"Not at all" I replied. Just as she sat down my food came and I started eating immediately cuz I was really hungry.

"Wow slow down there Anderson. I don't want to give CPR when you start to choke." She said and laughed. Danm her laugh is so beautiful. I suddenly started to blush and I think she noticed because she started laughing even harder.

"Sorry but I'm really hungry." I said feeling my cheeks getting even hotter.

"No worries I'm just messing with you. The team eats just like that." She said and I started to chuckle.

"So tell me a bit about yourself." Kelley said. "Well my full name is Taylor Sage Anderson. I'm a 25 year old lesbian and currently single. I just moved here with my best friend, Melissa. I'm a very clumsy person and joke around a lot. I grew up in Peachtree City, Georgia."

I finished and she looked a bit surprised.

"Wait you grew up in Peachtree City?"

"Yep" I replied and I know exactly why she looked surprised.

"Well this just got more interesting" She said with her million dollar smile that could light up the whole room.

We talked some more, told a few jokes and drank some more coffee.

She looked at the time on her phone and it looked like she needed to go, although I really liked talking to her. I mean like who wouldn't?

"Well I gotta go but there is an open practice later today. Do you maybe want to come?" She said a bit nervous.

"Wow Kelley O'Hara are you asking me on a date?" I said joking. "Don't flatter yourself Anderson, you're not my tipe" She said back chuckling. "Pfft I'm everyone's tipe." We both started to laugh.

"So will you come?" She asked "Of course I will." "Good" She replied and just when she wanted to walk out the door she turned around and said "Anderson you better wear my jersey."

I chuckled and nodded my head "Yes mam" I said saluting her and with that she left. I decided to head on back home and watch a movie or something to pass the time.



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