Chapter 17

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"Oh and Kelley with another strike ladies and gentlemen," Kelley announced, mimicking an announcer. We were currently bowling for our date night and I think it's save to say Kelley is kicking my ass.

I rolled my eyes at her antics and took my bowling ball from the rack. I bowled and only managed to knock down three pins. I groaned as my head fell backwards while Kelley was trying to stifle a laugh. "I really suck at bowling."

Kelley giggled a bit and threw her arm around my shoulders. "Babe I think now is a good time to get something to eat." She said from beside me. "You don't have to tell me twice. I'm starving"

We returned the bowling shoes and headed to my car. "Thanks for tonight babe, I really had a good time even though you kicked my ass I still enjoyed it," I said placing a kiss on her knuckles. "Yeah I really enjoyed it too especially the part where you fell on your ass." She said and started to giggle.

"Hey! It was not funny.That hurt like a mother trucker." I said giving her a pout. "I'm sorry for laughing babe, but it was kinda funny."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Where do you wanna eat?" I asked. "Hmm what about McDonald's?" She suggested. "You read my mind," I gave her a smile.

After a few minutes we got our food and headed to my condo.

I set the food down on the kitchen counter and went to wash up. Kelley went to the living room turning on the TV, looking for something to watch. I grabbed the food and headed to the living room. I set the food down on the table and sat next to Kelley on the couch.

"I can't find anything to watch." She said grabbing her food. "What about that new Nancy Drew show?" I suggested. "Good idea."

We sat in an comfortable silence, eating our food and watching the show, enjoying each others company.

When we were finished Kelley took our trash and went to throw it away. I went to grab us some blankets from my room and headed for the couch. Kelley already laid on the couch. I went and laid on top of her, resting my head on her chest and pulling the blankets over us.

She wrapped her arms around me and I felt myself smiling. She kissed the top of my head and we continued to watch some TV.

I felt myself getting tired so I pushed myself up so that I can get up and go to my room but I saw Kelley already sleeping. She looked so peaceful and cute. I sat on her thighs just above her knees and grabbed my phone off the coffee table. I took a picture of her and set my phone back down. I repositioned myself so that I was now sitting on her lap.

I leaned down and kissed her nose but didn't get a response. I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her on the nose again stroking her hair. She stirred a little and opened her eyes and a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Hey c'mon lets go to bed." I said already getting off of her. She stood up and stretched out while yawning. I let out a little giggle. "Let's go sleep, sleepy head." I said grabbing her hand.

She pulled me back and picked me up bridal style. I let out a small yelp. "Who are you calling a sleepy head?" She asked and pecked my lips and I felt myself smiling. She carried me to my room and set me down at the foot of my bed.

We got into our pj's with mainly consisted of a sports bra and shorts. We got into bed and I felt Kelley pulling me into her. I turned my head and kissed her lips. "Goodnight," I said set my head back down on the pillow. "Goodnight." And with that I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up the next morning with the smell of bacon and eggs. I went down stairs and saw Kelley standing at the stove flipping the bacon strips.

I went up behind her and snaked my arms around her stomach kissing her cheek. "Good morning beautiful." I whispered in her ear. "Hmm good morning. Happy six month anniversary baby." She said turning around and kissing me. The kiss lasted longer than usual but I didn't complain.

"Here I got you something," She said and went to her soccer bag that was placed at the front door. She got out a small box that had a cute little blue bow tied around it. I untied the bow and opened the box.

Inside was a necklace with her initials on it. "Baby it's beautiful. I really love it." I said and giving her a kiss. "I'm glad you like it." She said and wrapping her arms around me. "I love you," I said. She smiled and leaned in kissing me passionately. "I love you too,"

"Ohh wait here," I said and went back up stairs to my room pulling out a red box from my bedside table. I went back down stairs and saw the food already on the table. "Let's eat first and the you can get your present." I said and went to sit down at the kitchen table.

She joined me and we ate in an comfortable silence. After breakfast we washed the dishes and cleaned up. We sat back down and I grabbed the little red box.

I gave it to her and watched her open it. Inside was a key. The key to my condo. She just stared at it. "It is only if you want to. I will completely und-" I got cut off by her standing up and kissing me.

"I would love to move in with you," She said with a big smile plastered on her face. My smile grew bigger and I leaned back in connecting our lips.




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