Chapter 14

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"Taylor, what's all this for?" Kelley asked looking around taking in it's scenery.

"Well I wanted to do something special for you to show you how important you are to me." I said taking her hands in mine. This made her blush. I giggled and pecked her lips. "Come on, let's go eat." I said and led her towards the blanket that is spread out on the grass.

"How did you do all of this?" She asked while getting some strawberries out of the basket. "I have my ways." I said with a smile. "You are unbelievable." She said and giggled. "So I've been told," I said and that caused her to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"I actually brought you here to ask you something important." I said getting nervous. "Ok what is it?" Kelley asked with a confused look.

"Uhm ok here goes nothing. Kelley ever since the day that I met you on that beach, four months ago, my life has changed. It is a good change. You have brought the best out of me and I haven't been this happy in a while. You just light up my world. Kelley I really, really like you and I can't wait to live and experience more amazing and magical days with you and I guess what I'm trying to say is, uhmm Kelley Maureen O'Hara will you be my girlfriend?" I asked looking at her.

She stayed quiet for a few moments and I started to think that this was a bad idea.

She stood up and I did to. She took my hands in hers and said, "Taylor Blake Anderson, nothing would make me happier than to call you my girlfriend." She replied wrapping her arms around my waist and connecting our lips. It was a deep and passionate kiss and I could tell she poured everything in that kiss.

I smiled into kiss and pulled away. "For a moment there I thought you'd say no," I admitted to her. "Well it turned out just fine" She said smiling and kissed me again. We finished eating and decided to go back home to get dressed for the party.

Once we got back to the barn I saw Zander in there washing some horses. He saw us and came over to us. "So Ms. Taylor did she say yes?" He asked with a wide smile on his face. "Yeah she did," I said glancing over at Kelley and grabbing her hand.

"You knew about this?" She asked Zander. "Yes, Ms. Taylor called early this morning and told us exactly how to set up the picnic. She wanted everything to be perfect." He replied looking over at me. "Well you an excellent job. It was really perfect." Kelley said looking up at me and pecking my lips.

"Thanks again Zander. I really appreciate it." I said extending my hand for him to shake. We shook hands and with that Kelley and I headed towards my car. I opened the door for her and went around and got in myself.

"So my beautiful girlfriend are you ready to head back?" I asked intertwining our hands and pecking her knuckles. "More than ready." She replied. We sang songs all the way back and within an hour we were at her place.

"I'm gonna head upstairs and take a shower." I said. "Alright I'll be down here." She replied. I know it sounds rude to shower first in you girlfriends house. Wow I'm still getting used to calling her my gf but that's besides the point, where was I?? Oh yeah I know it may be rude to shower first in her house but the reason why I'm doing is because she takes an eternity to finish up so that gives me enough time to steal her soccer kit, cleats and the glasses she had when she celebrated the world cup.

I'm dressing as her when the USWNT won the world cup but she has no idea. After I finished I told Kelley and she went into the shower. I went into her closet and went over to her soccer department. Yes she really has a part of the closet just for her soccer stuff.

I got the outfit and got dressed and went downstairs and waited for Kelley to finish. A few minutes has passed and I heard Kelley yell from the upstairs bathroom. She probably forgot to take a towel...again.

I knocked on the bathroom door, "Hey babe you called?"

"Yeah can you grab me a towel please babe?" She asked. Yep I told you she probably forgot her towel. "Sure thing babe," I replied and got a towel for her. "Hey Tay you never told me as who or what you are going." She said. "You'll see when you get out of the bathroom." I replied and opened the door just enough to stick in my hand with her towel.

"Thanks. Wait, you already have your costume on?" She asked. "Yep," I said popping the p. "Well shit then I need to hurry cuz I want to see your sexy ass in a costume." She said and I started to chuckle at her comment. I hear her shuffling around then a loud thump. "Ow fuck," I heard Kelley cuss on the other side of the door. I covered my mouth trying hard not to laugh.

She suddenly ripped the door open and my jaw dropped to the floor. She was only standing in her towel with her wet hair hanging over her shoulder.

"Holy fuck Taylor you look sexy as hell" She said looking me up and down. "There is never a dull moment with you." I said and chuckled at her. She came closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I rested mine on her waist and pecked her on the nose.

"Nope you missed," She said. "Oh I did? I don't think so," I replied playing dumb. "Maybe you should demonstrate for me." I said looking at her with a grin. "Oh I see what you are doing here. Maybe I should educate you." She said leaning in almost kissing me, her lips ghosting over mine.

"You are very tempting," I whispered. "Mmm I get that a lot," She said leaning in barely kissing me. "Then I'm glad to call you mine," I said grabbing her butt with both my hand and connecting our lips. She released a surprised yelp and giggled at my action.

"I should really get ready otherwise we will be late." She said breaking the kiss. "Yeah probably. I'll wait downstairs." I said giving her one last peck and as she walked passed me I smacked her butt. She looked over at me and laughed.

With that I went downstairs at put on the TV watching Gravity Falls. Hey don't judge I really like the show.

A few minutes later and I hear Kelley clearing her throat behind me. I looked behind me and I saw her posing like young Leo. "Wow you really rock that look." I said standing up from the couch and went over to her. "But you really look beautiful. Oh wait handsome." I said and chuckled a bit.

"Well Ms O'Hara. Are you ready to accompany me at this party?" She asked me, "Yes Mr. Leo I would love to." I smiled at her goofiness. We linked arms and she led me outside towards a limo.

"You really are unpredictable," I said looking over to her. "They don't call me Ms. unpredictable for nothing," She said with a smirk on her face. "Pfft yeah right." I said and giggled at her. She opened the door for me," My lady," She said with a smirk. "Oh such a gentleman," I chuckled at her and we climbed in the limo.

"Let's go own this party!" Kelley said pumping the air with her fists. This is going to be a very interesting night.




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