Chapter 33

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"Kelley! We're going to be late!" Christen yells from the front door. Today is the teams first game of the season. "I'm coming!," She yells and come running down the stairs. Oh god don't fall, I think for myself.

"Lets go kick ass!" My girlfriend says in excitement. Christen and I shake our heads laughing. We piled into the car and drive to the stadium. "You girls ready for todays game?" I ask from the backseat. "Fuck yeah!" Kelley yells pumping her fist in the air. "Kelley, language." I playfully scold her. "Sorry pooka," She giggles and I smile.

A few minutes later we reach the stadium. We get out of the car and a few fans yelled for the duo. "Now I know how you guys feel," I say referring to the bunch of people and the atmosphere. "It never gets old," Pressy says. We walk into the locker room to music blasting through the speaker and the girls dancing and some doing their pregame rituals.

"Lets go kick some Spirit ass!" Kelley yells and receive a bunch of cheers. I laugh and go stand with the staff of the team by the door. "Is it safe for me to come in?" I hear Craig ask opening the door a bit. I chuckle and nod my head, "Go ahead," I say.

"Alright ladies! First game of the season, so do what you need to do and lets head out to warmups," He says getting excited for his first game as the teams new coach. The ladies cheer and whistle while the staff laughs at some of their antics.

"Ready for your first game?" I ask one of the youngsters while I'm taping her ankle. "I'm nervous. What if I mess it up or something?" She says and I give her a smile. "Hey, you will do great out there and being so young and already playing at the level you're at is incredible. I know you'll do good out there, I believe in you," I say as I finish taping her up.

"Thanks Taylor," She says and jumps off the bed. I give her a smile and walk back to the locker room with her. "Taylor?" I hear someone ask. I turn around to see Mallory standing in the hallway. "Hey Mally," I say and walk over to go hug her. "What are you doing here?" She ask pulling back from the hug. "Oh, I'm the teams new athletic trainer for the season," I say and she smiles. "Mal, are you alright?" I ask her noticing how she's looking down and playing with her fingers. "It's just some pregame jitters," She says, but I don't buy it.

"You're going to do great out there kiddo, just believe in yourself and do what you always do," I say and pull her in for another hug. "Thanks Taylor," She says tightening her grip around me. "It's a pleasure and hey when the game is over why don't you come over and we can hang out?" I ask the youngster. "Okay," She says and I pull away a bit. "You got this," I say and one of her team mates call her over to go for warm ups.


It's the last two minutes of the game and the scores are tied, 1-1. You can see the girls on both teams are tired, but won't quit until one of them wins.

Right now Kelley is running with the ball down the left wing looking for players to pass the ball to. Christen is making a run into the box and Kelley sends in a cross to her. The team rises to their feat in anticipation for the ball to hit the back of the net. Christen connects the ball with her head and the keeper dives towards the ball barely getting a touch on it before it hits the back of the net.

The girls run over to her, celebrating the goal. The Spirit kicks off and the referee blows her whistle signalling the end of the game. The staff high fives each other and gather all the stuff before heading to the locker room.

Moments later the team comes in all cheering. "Alright ladies, great game today. I'm proud of you all. We'll talk about the game at the next practice for now hit the showers." Coach says and the ladies cheer. "Hey coach, congrats on your first win!" Amy yells and a few girls throws water over him. We all laugh at him as he smiles. "Should've seen that coming," He says and we laugh. "Well done ladies," And with that he walks out of the locker room.

I walk over to the training room to clean and pack up everything. I walk back out to see Kelley and Mallory talking to each other in the hallway. "Hey guys," I say walking over to them. "Hey," Kelley says and pecks my lips. "You played great Mally. I'm proud of you," I say and bring her in for a hug. "Thanks Taylor," I pull away and smile at her. "Oh hey, I invited Mallory over to the house," I say to Kelley and she smiles. "Lets go then. Shall we?" She asks and hold out her hand for me to take. She holds out her other arm for Mallory to link her arm with Kelley's.

I smile at them and we walk to the car. "Where is Christen?" I ask. "Here I am," She says from behind us. I chuckle at her and we all walk to the car to go home. "Shotgun!" Kelley yells and we laugh at her antics.

Me and Mal got in and I wrap my arm around her shoulder bringing her closer to me. She rests her head on my shoulder and I give her a kiss on the head. I'm really worried about her, although I don't really know her all that well, but she already has a special place.

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