Chapter 10

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The next morning I woke up feeling arms wrapped around me and a body pressed against my back, I turned my head a little to look at my surroundings. We were still on the boat. I looked up at the sky and saw a few birds fly over.

I tried to turn around in Kelley's arms trying not to wake her up. With my luck I did it successfully. I looked at her face as she sleeps, she looks so peaceful .

I noticed a piece of cake still stuck in her hair from yesterday's food fight. I pulled my hand out from under the blanket and took the piece of cake out. I threw it somewhere on the boat. I put my hand back on her hair and gently started to stroke her hair.

She started to stir and moved her head onto my chest making me lay on my back. She nuzzled her head into my neck and groaned a bit.

"Good morning beautiful" I said in a whisper kissing her head. "Hmmm.. good morning Tay" I smirked at her nick name and rubbed my hand up and down her back. She looked up and just stared into my eyes. I smiled and leaned in capturing her soft lips with mine.

"Mmm... I could get used to this" She mumbled nuzzling her head back into my neck. "Get used to what?" I asked a bit confused.

"Waking up next to you" She said looking up with a small smile.

"You and me both. You just like to cuddle don't you?" I asked giggling a bit. "You can't blame me, you are a really good pillow..." She said rubbing the sleep from her eyes

We laid there for a few more minutes until I started to get cramps from the hard surface we were lying on.

"Hey Kells?" "Yeah?" "Can we get up please... I'm starting to get cramps." I said starting sit up.

"Ok. We can get ready and then head back into town to get some breakfast.. sound good?" She said getting up and extending her hand for me to help me up.

"Sounds good" I said stretching my arms. She came over to me and wrapped her arms around me and pecked my lips.

"Why don't you get dressed and I'll start to clean up?" She suggested. "Alright, do you have an extra set of clothes tho?" I asked putting my arms around her neck playing with her little loose hair behind her neck.

"Jip, there is some in the bunker," "Ok, thanks" I went into the small bunker and started to search for some clothes. I grabbed s a pair of short jeans and one of Kelley's old Stanford T-shirt.

I let my hair down and walked out of the bunker only to see Kelley standing with her back to me throwing bread crumbs for the ducks below in the water.

I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her right shoulder. "You ready?" She asked and I nodded my head. She started the boat and headed for the docks.

We got everything off of the boat and into the cars trunk. We got in the car and Kelley started to drive back into town.

We sang along to songs and playing games in the car, Once we were back in the city we headed to our favourite coffee shop. We got breakfast and started eating. Kelley ate all her food in record time while I was still halfway through my breakfast.

"Dear god Kelley were you that hungry?" I asked with eyes wide. "Is that even a question??? I'm always hungry" She said giving me a huge grin. "Yeah that's true."

When we were done eating we went out and explored the city. We came across a small surfing shack and Kelley instantly pulled me towards it and I already knew where this was going.

"Yes we can go surfing, but can we please go home and get showers and stuff?" "Well why are we still standing here?!" I laughed and walked out of the shack and got into the uber Kelley got us. The Uber dropped me off at home and Kelley went to the hotel where the team was staying.

We agreed to meet at the shack in an hour and a half...

This should get interesting..




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