Chapter 46

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I woke up this morning around seven am. Kelley was draped over me, trapping me under her so getting out of bed wasn't an option. I wrap my arms around her waist and place a soft kiss on her head. I grab my phone from the night stand and talked to my mom a bit, but it was getting late in South-Africa so I said goodnight to her and scrolled through my social media.

There was a soft knock on the door and a few seconds later it opened with Erin and Jerry, her brother, pop their heads in the room. "Hey guys," I whisper trying not to wake up Kelley. "Good morning Taylor," Erin whispers. "I'm glad to see you could make it Jerry," I say as they sit at the foot of the bed. "Yeah me too," He stood up and lie down on the other side of Kelley cuddling her.

"Good morning baby," He whispers in her ear making Erin laugh as I try to hold in mine. "Mornin' love," She mumbles and I chuckle a bit. "Give it a few seconds," Erin says. "Wait a minute," Kelley says her face still buried in my neck. "Taylor?" She asks as she rubs her hands up and down my sides. I chuckled, "It's me," I say and Kelley shoots up from her position looking to see who is the other person cuddling her. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes and rub them again to make sure she was seeing correctly who exactly was cuddling her. "What the fuck Jerry. I thought you couldn't make it," She says and hug him. We all laughed at her. "Language Kelley," I say still laying down rubbing her back. "Sorry," She says as she leans in for a quick kiss.

"Good morning Andy," She says with a smile. "Morning Lief," I say. "Good morning to you too," Erin says with a giggle. "Good morning my sweet sarcastic, pain in the ass, but loving sister." Kelley says receiving a slap on the arm from Erin. She laughs but lay back down next to me. "Hey scoot up we want to lay down too," Jerry says climbing in next to Kelley while Erin got in next to me. The bed was pretty big so everyone could fit in while there was still some space left.

"Family cuddle time!" Kelley yells making the room erupt in laughter. "Hey, where is Marc?" Kelley asks looking at Erin. "Right here!" We hear him yell as he jumps onto the bed on top of us all. "Oh dear god you weigh a ton baby," Erin says while giggling. "Nah uh, it's all this gain," He says flexing his arms. "No, no, no, this is gain," Jerry says getting out of the bed flexing his legs. They start to bicker about who's legs and arms are the biggest, "You guys are really ridiculous," Kelley says cuddling further into me.

They just laugh it off. Marc lies down over our legs while Jerry lies back down next to Kelley. "I see all of you are up," Karen comes into the room smiling. "There is a family cuddling and I'm not invited?" Kelley's dad asks standing next to his wife. "Get in here Danger Dan!" Erin says and we all chuckle. He runs toward us and all of our eyes widen.

Eruptions of "No wait!" "Dad wait!" "Brace yourselves!" Where heard before he jumped on top of all of us. We all start to laugh as he pops his head up. "Now that's better." He says spreading himself out over us.

We hear a creak and next thing we know the bed breaks. We all dip down a little and the rooms goes silent. "I think I might've broken the bed," Dan says laughing. "You think?" Kelley asks with amusement. "Honey get off of the poor kids. Let them get ready we leave in an hour." Karen says and Kelley perks up her eyebrows. "Where are going?" She asks. "We're going golfing," She says with a smile on her face. "This should be fun," Erin says from next to me and I shake my head. "Just point a camera at Kelley at all times," I say as they all start to get off the bed. "The money is right here people," Kelley says pointing to her face. I chuckle and give her a kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed.

"Where are you going?" My girlfriend asks propping herself up on her elbow. "I'm going to take a shower." I say and sit back down on the bed. "You wanna join?" I ask with a smile. "You don't have to ask me twice," She says before getting up. I chuckled at her and pecked her on the lips as I walk past her to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later we were done with our shower and already starting to get dressed. I stole one of Kelley's sweaters and walked downstairs. "I swear I had that sweater right here," I hear Kelley talk out loud. I giggle knowing she wanted to wear the sweater I'm wearing. I plop down on the couch next to Marc and Erin waiting for the rest of the O'Hara's. "Are you guys ready?" Karen asks after a while as she walks down the stairs with Dan following behind. "All except for Kelley and Jerry," Erin says. "I'm ready , I'm ready." Jerry says casually walking down the stairs. "Kelley hurry your slow ass up!" Erin yells as we stand at the end of the stairs. "I'm coming, I couldn't find my sweater- no wonder, you stole it," She says noticing the sweater. I give her a smile and kiss her as she reached the end of the stairs.

"Alright, let's go play some golf," Jerry says excited.

A few minutes has passed and we reached the golf course. "I'll go get the golf carts and meet you guys here," Dan says. "I'll come with," Kelley says following her dad. Jerry and mark got out the golf bags setting them down beside them.

"My, my, my. What a fine woman you are. Care to go for a ride?" My girlfriend asks with a smile and wiggling her eyebrows as she stops the golf cart in front of us. "Such a flirt how could I say no?" I say and get in front next to Kelley. She giggles and peck my lips. All the ladies got on our cart while the guys got on the other.

Kelley drives behind her dad and we make it to the first hole in a short amount of time. "Ladies first," Marc says with a smile and I took the first shot with the ball landing in the green not too far from the hole. Then Marc takes his shot with the ball landing a few meters behind mine.

We aren't going to let everyone take their individual shot like they do in golf. We are in two teams, the guys and us ladies, so we are playing it like a type of relay. The rules are that if I take for example the first shot then I can't take that same shot at the next hole, so basically you can't take the same shot more than once in a row or play a shot twice in a row at the same hole.

"Not too bad guys," Erin says giving me a high five as I get back on the cart. We drive over to the balls and Erin is the next to take the shot. The ball wasn't that far from the hole, so she got it in with ease. Jerry took the next and he almost missed the hole with a few inches, but got the ball in none the less.

"Ooh, that was a close one man. I'm surprised you made it," Kelley says to Jerry with a smile. He just sticks out his tongue and got on the cart with a giggle. "On to the next we go," Kelley says stepping on the gas peddle.

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