Chapter 38

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"It feels good to be back," I say as Kelley and I got out of the car. She lets out a chuckle and we walk towards the stadium. You can hear the music playing and the girls singing along as we get closer and closer to the locker room.

"Bow to your queen my peasants," Kelley yells as we walk into the locker room together. "Fuck off O'Hara!" Someone yells and the room erupts in laughter. "How rude," My girlfriend says, but laugh along. "Hey Taylor is back!" One of the rookies yell. "Welcome back Taylor!" Press yells out and comes over to hug me. "Thanks guys, but finish up before coach comes in, so if you need me to do something now is your chance," I say and look around the room. "Alright, I'll be on the pitch if you need anything," I say seeing as I didn't need to tape a ankle or something.

"Hey coach," I say as I walk onto the field. "Ah Taylor, welcome back," He says and give me a quick hug. "Thanks coach. I'm happy to be back." I say. The majority of the girls walk out, some laughing at something and some messing around.

"Alright is everyone here?" Craig asks. "Yes coach," Some of them say. "Today is going to be a light training. You are going to warm up and do some drills then we'll finish off with a scrimmage. Alright let's start training," He finishes off and the girls all go to warmup.


It wasn't long before training was over. Right now the girls were in the locker room finishing up while I waited in the car for Kelley and Christen. I played some music and shortly after the duo climbed into the car and we headed back home.

"Hey guys? Is it alright if Tobin comes over tonight?" Chris asks from the backseat, cheeks a shade of red. "Wait, are you guys like you know, together?" I ask quickly looking at her before focusing back on the road. "Yeah, we are," She says and ducks her head with a smile on her face. "I'm happy for you two and it's your house we're staying at, so you can invite who you want whenever you want," I say as I pull into the drive way. "Thanks Anderson," I smile and we get out of the car.

"How did she manage to come visit?" I ask. "Pooka we are playing against Portland the day after tomorrow to determine whether or not we are going to the semi's." My girlfriend says. "Oh yeah, now I remember," I say with a giggle. We walk into the house and got greeted by an excited Scooby. "Hey bubba," I say as I start petting him.

"Oh Chris, do you want us to go out or something?" My girlfriend asks. "No, that won't be necessary. Tobs and I are just going to hang around here." She says with a smile. "Alright. Well I'm going swimming," Kelley says. "I'll come join you," I say as we head upstairs to get changed.

I walk into our room only to be picked up by Kelley who throws me over her shoulder. "What are you doing?" I ask with a giggle as she spins me around before putting me down on the bed. She crawls on top of me. "Hi," My girlfriend says. "Hi," I say with a giggle. She leans down connecting our lips and I tangle my fingers in her damp hair. "I thought we were going swimming," I whisper, barely pulling away from her lips. "Hmm, but this is so much better than swimming," She says back, connecting our lips once again. I smile into the kiss and wrap my legs around her.

"I tell you what." I try to say as she moves her lips over my jaw, making her way to my neck. "What's that?" She whispers and going back to kissing my neck. "Win the game against Portland and then we'll have sexy time," I say. She's caught off guard and I take this as my opportunity to flip us over. Successfully doing so, I pin her hands above her head and I lean down. Just before kissing her, my lips hover over hers, teasing her a bit. I place my thigh between her legs, pressing it against her centre. Her breath hitches and I smile, leaning down next to her ear. "Now, how about that swim?" I whisper.

I pull away and get off of her. She lets out a huff and I look at her, "You're such a tease," She says while sitting up. I giggle and get out my bikini. I undress and put it on, pulling a shirt and shorts over it. I look over to my girlfriend to see her still sitting on the bed. "Aren't you going to change?"

"I prefer going naked," She says and we giggle. I shake my head and walk towards the door. "I'll see you at the pool," I say and walk down stairs.

"Hey Tobin," I say as I see her standing at the kitchen counter. "Oh hey Taylor. Where is O'Hara?" She asks as she gives me a quick hug. "She's upstairs changing." I say and pour myself a glass of orange juice. "We are going to swim. Do you guys want to join?" I ask her as Chris walks into the kitchen. "Chris do you want to go swim?" Tobin asks her. "Yeah, it's getting hot." She says. "Alright, we'll see you outside," I say as I walk to the backyard.

Scooby comes over with his ball in his mouth and dropping it. I pick it up and throw it for him. He takes off after the ball and I chuckle at him.

I take off my shirt and shorts, putting them on the chair. I get on this Olaf shaped tube thing that Kelley bought. According to her it's a must have.

I get on and lie on my back, closing my eyes.

"Cannon ball!" I hear the unmissable voice of my girlfriend yelling. I open my eyes to see her in the air and I turn away as she jumps into the pool. I giggle at her and the next thing I know I feel her pushing the tube from under the water tipping it over. I fall into the water and resurface to see her on the tube. "Oops," She says with a giggle. I join in and get out of the pool. "Come here," I say to her and she brings the tube over to the edge. I get on and push us away.

She starts rocking the tube, with a mischievous grin on her face. "I swear to god if-" I was cut off by her tackling me off the tube and into the water. "If I what?" She ask as we resurface. I give her a playful glare and she starts to giggle.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm even dating you," I say and wrap by arms around her neck with my legs around her hips. "Yet here you are," She says and we giggle. I peck her lips and hear another "Cannon ball!" From Tobin. Water splashes over us and her head pops up out of the water.

"See, it's fun," My girlfriend says and she high fives Tobin. "You bet it is," Tobin says before climbing out. She runs over to Chris and picks her up, running over to the pool and jumping in with her.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm even dating you," Chris says and I laugh. "That's exactly what I said," I say and look over to Kelley smiling at me.





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