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My two suitcases tumble onto the baggage claim and I push my way through the crowded area to reach them. Thankfully I got to them in time and I didn't need to wait for them to loop around again. After riding a plane for twelve hours, the last thing I want to do is spend extra time in an airport.

I live on the east coast, Maine, to be exact, but I am going to college here in California. It definitely wasn't my first choice. I would much rather stay close to home, but that wasn't really in the budget for my family. Somehow, UCLA thinks I'm good enough that they paid for half of my college tuition. My grades were fairly decent, but so were many others. I'm still confused on why I stuck out.

I walk out of the airport, alone, and the warm air hits my skin, a sharp contrast from the cool indoors and the naturally cold weather in Maine. My parents would have flown out with me to help me get settled into college, but they'd have to take work off for that and spend a lot of money on tickets.

I make my way to one of the many bus stations and sit on an empty bench. Many people my age were around, probably going to the same place as me.

I grab my phone from my pocket and text my mom. 'Hey, I just landed and got my stuff. I'm waiting for a bus to bring me to the campus. How's everything in Maine?' I say. Knowing my mom wouldn't answer for a couple hours while she's still at work, I shut my phone off and put it away.

A white and blue bus comes into my sight a few minutes later, coming to a stop once it reaches the station. I wait as everyone else gets on before getting on myself.

I smile to the driver before making my way to the back of the bus. There were not many people on here, which was a good thing, considering most of us had two or three suitcases. The bus was hot and uncomfortable, but I shouldn't expect anything more from a free public transportation service.

We stop a few times before we reach the UCLA campus. "UCLA campus, UCLA campus," the bus driver says blandly through the staticky speaker. She must be pretty miserable. I would be to if I was spending my days on a bus without air conditioning.

I thank her as I get off the bus and drop a couple dollars into her tip jar. The ninety degree weather actually felt nice compared to the bus.

I make my way to the main entrance building and get in line to get my dorm key behind about twenty other students. A few of them were starting conversations, but most of them were just on their phones. I just stand around and admire the building and the plan trees outside the window. I've never seen palm trees in real life before today. My family never travelled much.

The crowd gets smaller and smaller until it's eventually my turn. The lady at the front desk looked to be in her mid forties and had short, brown hair. She smiled at me as I walked up to the desk. "Hello, welcome to UCLA," she says. "Could I get your first and last name so I can sign you in and get your dorm key for you?"

"Hi, and yes. My name is Peyton Durling," I tell the lady.

"Durling," she repeats quietly and begins to type on her computer. She then turns around and grabs a key as well as a paper which she just printed out. "Here you go, Miss Durling, your key and schedule for the fall semester. Anytime throughout the year you can come here if you have any questions," she says.

I grab the items from her. "I will, thank you so much," I tell her, giving her a smile. Hopefully the rest of the staff here was as nice as her.

I move out of the way and then look at my schedule to find my dorm room. I was room 267 in the East building. As I walk toward my dorm room, I glance down at the map of the campus which was printed on the back of my schedule. I don't know how I'd ever find my classes here. This school was huge.

Eventually, I make my way to my dorm room. It was on the second floor at the far end of the hallway. I use the key and unlock the door, entering the room to find another girl sitting on her bed.

"Hi," I say when I get inside.

"Hey! We must be roommates. My names Anna," she says, taking out her earbuds and standing up. Anna had long light brown hair and brown eyes. She was probably around 5'8", a few inches taller than me.

"Nice to meet you," I smile and shake her hand, which she had held out. "I'm Peyton, by the way."

"Well, I'm glad you're here. I've only seen a handful of girls in this building so far. It kinda sucks that they had to combine men and women in this building. Apparently it because there's so many people who are accepted and they didn't realize they'd be short on space," Anna tells me.

"Really? I didn't even know that. I'm surprised they're allowed to do something like that," I say. Living in a dorm itself made me feel a little uneasy, knowing that there were males too just made me feel even more nervous.

"Yeah, girls on the left side of the building and guys on the right. I guess we'll have to get used to it," she says with a shrug.

"Yeah, I guess we will," I say. I put down my suitcases and backpack and sit on the empty bed, which was now mine for the year.

"Oh, speaking of men, a guy told me to spread the word that there would be a get together in the main room tonight at 7:00. You should totally come with me," Anna says.

"A party? Already?" I say, unsure of whether or not I wanted to go.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. How many freshmen can say they've gone to a party their first day of college?" She persuades.

"Well, when you put it that way," I chuckle. Maybe I should give it a try. This is college, I should have some fun while I'm here.

"Please," Anna begs, dragging out the 'e.'

"Okay, I'll go," I say, smiling at how much she wanted me to go. I'm glad I got a roommate like Anna. I don't know what I'd do if I got someone who would be grumpy all the time or never talk.

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