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Van and I stand there saying nothing for a while. I wrap my arms around my body, suddenly feeling a little chilly in only this short dress I was wearing. Even in California it could get cold at night.

Van seemed to have noticed and asked, "You cold?" I shrug my shoulders, still looking at the ground.

My shoulders are covered in fabric and I look up, seeing Van's arms around my body. He was putting his leather jacket on me. Just now I noticed that Van somehow managed to make his formal outfit a little more his style. His pants and button-up shirt were both black.

I smile at the gesture. "Thank you," I say. "But won't you be cold?" I cock my head to the side and look over at Van. It seems as if our argument didn't just happen ten minutes ago. It feels as if we've never had any problems.

He shakes his head. "I'll be fine," he tells me. "I'd rather you be warm than me." He moves his hands to the pockets of his pants and clears his throat. "You gonna head back inside?"

I shake me head. "I don't think so. I didn't really want to come in the first place. Anna made me," I chuckle at the last part.

Van smiles and nods. "Ah, the same thing happened to me. Bondy is always tryin' to get me to go to things like this," he says. "Where were you planning on going to?"

"Just my dorm I guess. I wasn't planning on doing anything, really," I say. God, I must sound so lame. I should have made something up. Now that Van and I were on speaking terms, I wouldn't mind staying at the party. But, I guess it's too late to go back since I already told Van I was leaving and he didn't want to stay.

"Wanna walk around for a while, then? If you're not doing anything, that is," Van says. I could almost sense a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Yeah," I say. I hope this doesn't end up like last time we went on a walk. Van and I start walking onto the main sidewalk. The distance between Van and I gets smaller and smaller until our shoulders are nearly touching as we walk. The smell of Van's cologne and smoke became more apparent. I didn't mind, though.

"Let's find a place to sit. I don't want to wear you out," Van says. We are now walking in the central area of campus. There are a few benches scattered throughout the area.

"Hey, I'm not weak, you know?" I laugh. "I can walk a few miles without falling apart."

"Okay, well maybe I'm the weak one because I'm tired of walking. So if you wanna do me a favor, you'll sit with me," he says, laughing back. "Thought you'd be in heels or dress shoes or something too. I didn't expect..." he stops to look at my shoes. "Vans?" He shakes his head humorously.

"I like Vans," I say with a pout.

"Aw, thank you. I like me too," Van smiles.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes. "You're annoying. I hope you know that."

"I do. Thanks for the reminder. Let's go sit at that bench," he says and points to a bench right under a big oak tree only a few steps away from where we are currently standing. A few green leaves were scattered on the ground by the bench.

I nod my head and we sit down. "I wouldn't have come to this school if I knew it would still be cold at night," I complain, bringing my legs up onto the bench and wrapping my arms around them to warm up. Van's jacket was a help, but not for my legs.

Van places his hand on my far shoulder and rubs my arm a couple times. "I would have expected you to be immune to this kind of weather, growin' up in Maine and all. It's not even that cold," he says.

"It is that cold though," I say. "Cold is cold. No matter if it's -5° or 50°."

"Well, do you wanna start heading back. I don't want you to go freeze to death," Van says.

I shake my head. "No, I like it here. Even if it is cold. There's too much noise and partying back there, anyway," I tell him.

"Alright then. I'll keep ya warm, I promise," Van says. He scoots closer to me, still keeping his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder, immediately feel warmer when Van is right next to me.

We sit together, enjoying each other's company for a few minutes. "I'm sure you know, but Bondy and Anna were set on getting us together tonight,"Van breaks the silence.

I nod my head on Van's shoulder. "Yeah. I could tell. I had practically no choice but to go to the party tonight," I say with a chuckle. "I'm...I'm glad though." I begin to get a little anxious. I swallow before saying "I like being with you."

"That's good to hear. I like being with ya too," he says. I can't tell he has a smile on his face, even though we aren't looking at each other.

"So how come you never told me you were a music major until we realized we had a class together?" Van changes the subject.

"Well, I could ask that same question to you," I say, sassily. "You don't seem like a music major."

"I don't seem like a music major?" Van laughs, repeating my statement. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know... you just... you give me math vibes. Or science, maybe," I say, uncertainty laced in my voice.

"I can't believe you would assume I'm a math major. I'm a little offended, but I want you to know that I'm not that boring," Van says.

"Sorry," I giggle. "What I'm trying to say is I didn't expect you to be so cool, I guess."

"I'll forgive you this time, Peyton," Van says. He tightens his hold around me. "But only because you have a cute laugh." His voice sounds serious, but I know he is joking. I smile and nod my head, feeling safe and relaxed in Van's arms.

Fluctuate - Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now