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"And I'm yours," he says into my ear, sending chills down my spine. "I'm all yours."

Just then, when everything was going exactly how I wanted it to, a knock interrupts me and Van. He lifts me off of his lap and puts me on the bench. "I'll get it," he tells me, standing up to walk to the door.

He opens it to reveal Professor Green. "Hi, Professor Green," Van greets him politely.

"Hello. Sorry to interrupt. I was just seeing if there were any students left here. I was going to lock up since I'm the only teacher left in the building, but if you guys are working, I'll stay a little longer," he says.

"Oh, no. We don't want to hold you back. We just just finishing, actually. Right, Peyton?" Van looks over his shoulder and makes eye contact with me.

"Um, yeah. We were," I say, my voice squeaky. That happens when I lie or get nervous about something. I clear my throat. "We're all done."

"Alright, well take your time. I still have to pack up my things so I'll be a few before I can actually head out," Professor Green explains to us.

"Awesome. Thanks for the heads up," Van says.

"You're welcome. You guys have a good night," Professor Green says. He leaves and shuts the door behind him.

Van sits back down on the bench with me and grabs my hands. "I guess we should head out. I'm still taking you out tonight, though," he tells me.

I nod my head. "What time is it?" I ask.

Van grabs his phone from his front pocket and checks the time. "3:00," he says. "We've been here for a while. Felt like only a few minutes."

"It's three?" I say, slightly shocked at the time. Van was right – time really did fly.

Van looks up when he hears my voice change tones. "Everything alright?" He asks, his face full of concern.

"Yeah, I just have a math class at 3:30. I didn't know it was already this late," I groan. Math has never been a subject I enjoyed. I hate how students are required to take it in college, especially when it has nothing to do with their majors.

"Aw man. Well, it can't be too bad, now, can it?" Van says. "It's your first day, anyway. Your teacher won't bombard you with work."

"I hope not," I say.

"Well, I'm here to help you if you need it. I'll walk you to class, too," Van says.

I look up at Van and smile. "Really?" I ask, my mood shifting from upset to excited.

Van laughs. "I know how to get you excited now," he playfully pokes my side, making me squeal. "And, yes, really. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't walk my girlfriend to class?"

"The kind that doesn't walk their girlfriend to class," I tell him, jokingly.

"Exactly!" He exclaims. "And I refuse to be on of those boyfriends." He picks up both the guitars and puts them back on their respective stands. "Come on," he holds his hand out for me. "I won't let you be late to your first math class."

I take his hand and stand up. "I'll let myself be late to my first math class, though," I smile at him.

Van looks over at me and raises his eyes with an amused look on his face. "You'll be just fine in math class. And, don't even think about skipping. College is too expensive to skip classes," he tells me. He opens the door and we walk out together while holding hands.

"You're reminding me of a dad right now, not going to lie," I say. The only person I've ever heard say things like that was my dad, and occasionally my mom. If I ever skipped school in high school and my dad found out, he would act like I just committed murder or something crazy.

"I'm only looking out for you, babe," Van says, squeezing my hand. "I don't want you to get nothing out of your college experience."

"I already got you," I say. "That's more than I could ever ask for."

"Oh, yeah?" Van ask, clearly happy with what I had said. "Well, lucky you, you get me and a good education here."

We stop in front of the mathematics building. "Lucky me," I roll my eyes, making him smile. We face each other and he grabs my other hand.

"If it makes you feel any better, once you finish class, you'll have only two and a half hours before you see me again," Van says. I frown, thinking two and a half hours was too long.

"I promise that I'll treat you well tonight," he whispers in my ear. "Now, go on, don't be late for class." He opens the door for me.

"Fine," I say. "See you later, Van." I walk through the door way and down the hall. The walls were brick and painted an off-white color, kind of resembling dirty snow. The mathematics department clearly had the least attention given to it. I guess that makes sense, as math and science were the least popular majors at this college.

I walk into the classroom and notice about forty other students sitting at desks. My eyes immediately are drawn to two people: Anna and Emily.

They both were sitting alone in one of the many groups of two desks. Emily's desk was right behind Anna's. Obviously, I decide to sit with Anna over Emily. I know I shouldn't judge Emily based on the fact that she dated Van, but I can't help it. Anyway, I'm good friends with Anna, so it'd be weird if I didn't sit with her.

I walk down the row where Anna was seated and she smiles when she sees me. "Peyton!" She says, energetically. "I didn't know you had this math class. Probably should have compared schedules, considering we're roommates."

"Yeah," I laugh. "I'm pretty sure that's the first thing roommates usually do." I sit down next to Anna and put my backpack under my desk.

"I guess that makes us weird roommates, then, doesn't it?" Anna laughs.

"I guess you're right," I say back. The room continues to fill with more and more people as it gets closer to the start of class.

"So, how was the party last night?" She changes the subject. "Or, should I ask, how was Van?" She really did have her mind set on me and Van being a thing.

"Oh my god, you and your obsession over other people's love lives," I playfully roll my eyes.

"I'll take it that you guys are doing well, then?" Anna says. She raises her eyebrows at me.

"Why'd you assume that?" I ask, confused as to how she already knew.

"You're blushing," she laughs. "It's obvious."

I was about to respond, but another voice begins to speak before I get the chance to. "Van?" The voice asks.

I look back and see that it was Emily who had spoken. "Van McCann?" She asks again.

Hey! How are you guys liking the story so far? I'm really enjoying writing it. Do you guys want things like smut in this book? I'm not sure if I should include it or just skip over those parts.
Thanks for reading!

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