Who is she?

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As usual the Generation of Miracles won the match, everything that happened was already expected. Except for one.

A girl with black hair walked up to the GoM. "Uhm...Excuse me?" her voice could barely be heard through the audience's cheering. Akashi Seijuro, the captain of the GoM turned to face her.

He eyed her suspiciously since she was holding a basketball.

"What do you want?" he asked her. The girl bowed to give her respect before answering.

"Uhm... Please have a match with me!" each members of the GoM looked at her wide eyed, except for Akashi, Murasakibara and Kuroko.

"Why would a girl who has such a pale body want to play basketball with us?" Aomine Daiki, their ace, said.

"Please! This would be the last time that i'm going to play basketball because my parents want me to quit. I wanted to atleast have just one match with the best players." She begged.

Akashi was astounded as to what the girl just said and therefore considered her request.

"Alright, you'll be facing Kise then." The red head looked over to the blonde. "Why me captain!" Kise pouted and just followed when he received a cold stare from his captain.

The girl looked a bit glad. "But... I wanted to have a 5on1 match" Akashi looked at her again.

"Are you sure that you can take on all the Generation of Miracles on your own?" He asked and the girl just simply nodded her head.

'This seems to be a little interesting' the red head thought to himself. "Fine, but don't cry if you get humiliated."

The girl's face showed complete happiness. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" She jumped up and hurriedly went to the court followed by the GoM.

"Do you guys mind if you play on defense first?" The girl asked while the GoM just shrugged. The audience saw what was happening and all kinds of bad comments were heard.

'What's a girl like her doing on the court?' 'She'll just humiliate herself if she thinks she'll beat them'

The girl pushed aside all the negative comments and focused. "Please go all out on me!" She screamed. She was standing behind the half line while the GoM where scattered on the other half of the court.

Murasakibara Atsushi, the center, was under the net. Akashi Seijuro, the captain and point guard was infront of her. Behind him was Kise Ryouta, the small forward, Aomine Daiki, the power forward, and Midorima Shintaro, the shooting guard.

"Please use your emperor eyes Akashi" She said for the last time before getting into position. Akashi nodded his head and watched her closely. She positioned herself into a 3-point and Akashi followed.

When she jumped he also jumped. In the middle of the play she threw the ball upwards and immediately landed herself and ran past Akashi while he was still in the air. The ball went past him and she caught it before anyone else could grab it.

Kise, Aomine and Midorima triple teamed her. But she used her speed and dribbled the ball. She broke past each of them easily. Getting near the basket she met Murasakibara. She jumped from the free throw lane to do a dunk from there when she saw Murasakibara's giant hands.

She made a full body twist in mid-air to avoid it and threw the ball using a high-arc to avoid his other hand and made it through the hoop as graceful as the way she landed. She had a smile on her face when she turned around.

Everyone was shocked that a girl like her actually defeated the GoM all by herself. She took the ball and gave it to Akashi.

"Come on, you guys are on offense now." The girl smiled and went to the other side of the court.

'No way! Now she's gonna defend against them?'

'How strong is she?!'

The audience was staring at her in awe. Akashi looked at his team then to the girl. He smirked 'You are really interesting, I see' he thought to himself.

Then he gave his orders to his team and went to their positions. As usual, Murasakibara was under the net. Midorima was outside the 2-point zone. Inside was Kise and Aomine. Infront of her was the one and only emperor, Akashi. He dribbled the ball and entered half court.

The girl positioned herself in her own style of defending. Akashi and the rest didn't know her style. Akashi looked at his teammates for the last time and made his move.

He faked to his left then went to the right, but the girl knew it and blocked. Akashi passed to Kise, the girl used her speed to get to him. The blonde was shocked because she reached him the same time the ball touched his hand.

He fumbled a bit which led to the girl stealing the ball then running through the court, Aomine caught up to her and defended.

The girl faked to her right then left, Aomine knew this was coming so he was ready. But then the girl dribbled between her legs and went to her right, passing him. The time that Aomine defended was enough for the rest to catch up. She faced Midorima.

She knew she doesn't have much time left so she wanted to make it quick. She used the same play she used against Aomine. Midorima knew how it went so he turned to block the third move.

"Shintaro don't" Akashi screamed but it was too late, he already moved. The girl was a bit shocked that he saw through her play but pushed it aside.

She made a full body rotation which made her position be behind Midorima since he turned around in attempt to block her. Midorima looked behind him to see the girl about to shoot a 3-pointer.

'She could shoot with this kind of distance without needing much time and angle?!' He thought.

She jumped and let go of the ball making a perfect 3-pointer. Each of the GoM was shocked that they were beaten by a girl. The audience had the same reaction.

The girl looked at her watch. "Oh no! I'm late!" The GoM looked at her as she was fussing about being late. The girl looked at them and bowed.

"Thank you so much for playing a match with me. It was really fun." she ran towards the bench to grab her stuff and saw some water bottles and a light blue haired boy sitting next to it.

"Uhm.. excuse me can I have some?" she asked. 'She could easily see Kuroko?!' the GoM thought to themselves. "Dozo" the boy said.

"Thanks" she grabbed a bottle and hurried out of the stadium when a certain red-head called her. "Wait! What's your name?" She turned around and answered. "You'll know tomorrow!"

The GoM was in a state of shock when they left. "Did that really happen?" a pink haired girl, named Momoi Satsuki asked while they were going home. "Yes it did Momoi-san" Kuroko answered.

The others were still in their state of shock. "Who is she?" Akashi mumbled causing all of them to look at him. "We need to recruit her. If she could beat us in a 5 on 1 match, what more on an equal match."

Midorima pushed up his glasses. "But didn't she say that it would be her last time playing?" Akashi suddenly stopped and a smirk made its way to his face.

"I doubt that she'll stop now." After saying that he started to walk again leaving the others confused on what he said.

"It looks like Akashicchi is interested in the girl." Kise stated. "Hell I am, too! I can't even believe that she beat us on her own!" Aomine exclaimed.

"Mou~ Ki-chan, Dai-chan, the most shocking was that she could easily see Tetsu-kun!" Momoi said. "I guess that is true Momoi-san." Midorima agreed looking at his lucky item. 'Not to mention those flawless 3-pointers' he secretly thought.

"Her style of play is a bit similar to Aomine's style though." Kuroko suddenly said.

'We totally forgot he was there!' everyone thought. "Street Basketball" Momoi whispered.

"But her moves in some of the plays she did was of a Professional player." Kuroko said again which made the entire team think about her. 'Who is she?' they ask themselves.

[[A/N: Done with the first one!! Pls., vote and comment!! PS: I LOVE AKASHI!!!!]]

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