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\\[[A/N: Because of someone I thought of updating another chapter. Dont forget to vote and comment.. Also... sorry if this chapter doesn't reach you that much...]]

They got to their places. I bent down a bit and began to dribble the ball as lightly as ever. I started to sway my body, changing my center of gravity by every sway while dribbling the ball harder and harder using more force.

Causing it to make an illusion that the ground is shaking. All the members of the Generation of Miracles fell to the ground. I stopped dribbling and began to explain what I did.

"With the vibration the ball made on the floor together with my body movement, it caused an illusion that the ground was shaking. For a real match, it wouldn't take much time at all. I call it Earthquake." all of them stood up and the players watching clapped their hands.

"I didn't know someone could make me sit down. I'm impressed." Akashi muttered making the others sweatdrop by his first statement.

"W-Well.... Nevermind that. The only thing you have to do so you won't fall down is to change your center of gravity as long as i'm doing it." All of them stood up.

"It's just like Akashicchi's Ankle Break!" Kise exclaimed while everyone just rolled their eyes.

"Mean-ssu!" a fake tear rolled down his eye. "Murasakibara-kun! I need you to defend on my next move." Ignoring Kise I asked help from Murasakibara, but he shook his purple-haired head.

"Don't wanna.. It's too tiring, Mizumi-chin." He sat down and opened a bag of chips. I narrowed my eyes at him and was about to say something when....

"Atsushi. If you don't follow what she says. I won't allow you to eat snacks for a whole year." Murasakibara immediately stood up and went under the net. I sweatdropped as I saw what happened. "Just defend like you usually do."

I dribbled the ball and ran towards the free-throw lane, then jumped. 'Everyone must be thinking that i'm gonna dunk.'

Once Murasakibara's hands were positioned to block. I made a full body rotation in mid-air avoiding it and shot the ball with a high-arc, avoiding his other hand. I landed before the ball gracefully went through the ring.

"That is called Falling Star. It is used against tall players like him *points at Murasakibara who is eating his chips*. It affects the intensity of my jump greatly when used continuously." I sighed as I remembered the last move. I looked over at Kanata and gave her the look hoping she still remembered. She smiled widely and approached me.

"Soooo~ your really gonna show them?" She asked happily while I just groaned. She screamed and jumped. I was backing away when she hugged me. TIGHTLY!

"I can't believe you still remember that! Out of all your moves, that is my favorite! Kyaa--mpaf" I covered her mouth because she was too loud.

"Just tell them the name and go back to the bench!" I was getting annoyed because I hated what she called this shot.

"Minna! She's finally gonna do, Cupid's Arrow!!" Her voice echoed through the gym. "This seems to be interesting." Akashi muttered.

I sighed as I positioned myself. I was still standing under the net so I moved a bit forward. I thought of something happy that could make me smile. Then I remembered talking with Akashi about his fear of stray dogs.

I opened my eyes and shot the ball with a smile on my face. Whenever I smile, my shots are flawless. And it went through the hoop on the other side of where I am.

"The truth is that was just a normal three-point shot--" "That can make any guy fall in love, especially if she wears her famous smile. That's why I call it, Cupid's Arrow." Kanata explained cutting me off. "Her smile is breathtaking because she remembered something happy. *looks at me* By the way what did you remember?"

I knew that she was gonna ask that. I can't tell her that I thought of Akashi or she'll tease me. I looked over to see Akashi smirking, guess he knew.

I quickly looked away when Kanata followed my line of sight. My eyes landed on the clock and I was shocked.

I was gonna be late for the marriage interview. "Kanata, I need to go." I was gonna get changed but she blocked my way.

"Not until you tell me." We had an intense stare-off. But she knew she wouldn't win. "Ughh! Fine! But tell me tomorrow." I passed through her and went to the locker room. Before I closed the door I heard Akashi saying practice was over.

After getting changed I said goodbye but I noticed Akashi was gone. I asked them where he went. "Akashicchi left after saying practice was over." Kise was the only one to answer.

I just nodded my head and went outside. Before getting out of the school, I realized I haven't drank anything yet. I searched my bag for a drink but remembered that I forgot to buy one.

"Always remember to bring a drink for practice, or you'll get dehydrated." A voice suddenly said. I looked up to see Akashi.

"Here" He threw a sports drink at me. "Thanks" he nodded his head and walked beside me.

"Are you still going?" He suddenly asked. "Yeah, I guess. I don't have any choice. I just hope that they'll cancel it." Silence fell over us again.

A few moments we reached my house. "Well... this is my stop. Thanks for walking with me." I waited for the guard to open the gate. I saw that he was talking with someone.

I immediately looked up to see my mother. Her back was facing us but I knew that she was talking with the guard. He opened the gate once he was done.

"Ma'am, your mother told me to inform you to bring your guest." She wants to meet him? I nodded my head and called Akashi. We walked in silence to the living room with all our maids greeting us.

We reached the living room and saw my parents. "Good afternoon, mother, father." I greeted them and bowed. Akashi did the same and we both sat down.

"Mizumi, go to your room. You will not attend the marriage interview tonight. You are grounded for a week for playing basketball without our consent." My father stated. I looked at them wide eyed. 'How did they know?!'

"I--" without letting me speak, my father snapped his fingers and my guards appeared. They covered my mouth and led me to my room, leaving Akashi with them.

Third person's POV

~After Mizumi was taken to her room.~

"I deeply apologize for the behavior we have shown." Mizumi's mother apologized to Akashi. "I understand why your daughter is like that. She is like me in many ways."

"The Akashi's are really understanding people. But might I ask, how you two are alike?" Mizumi's father stated.

"Well, the both of us will take over our own family business. So our parents want us to be the best. It also seems that we both find relief from playing basketball, and may I say that she is great at it. She loves the sport. Every time she plays, she has a big smile on her face."

Mizumi's parents were shocked at how he spoke of their daughter. They looked at each other and made an agreement. "We will allow her to play basketball for one condition only." Both had a serious look. "What is it?" Akashi asked. They talked in hushed voices and after thinking for a while they reached an agreement.

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