Semi-Final Matches

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Mizumi's POV

"Finally!! Today's the day I get to participate in a match!!" I yelled in my room. It's been three days since inter high started... I took a shower and wore my teiko uniform. I'm really excited!! I ate breakfast really fast and went to school to meet up with the others..

~A few minutes later

I finally arrived! Wait, where are they? I took my phone out and.. It's 9:30?! also... I have 24 missed calls?! From akashi?!

Akashi's POV

Tsk! Where is she? The match will start at 9:45! "Ano.. Akashicchi... I'm sure Mizumicchi will be here any moment now?" I glared at him and walked away. I know he was just trying to calm me down. I just needed an excuse to walk away from them. I dialed her number again and hoped that she would pick up.

"Moshi moshi?"

"You finally answered. Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way there. What time does it start?"

"About ten minutes"

"I'll be there in five."

Then she hung up on me. I went back to see Ryouta and Daiki arguing again. "Daiki, Ryouta. You two will not play once Mizumi has arrived." I stated. I grabbed my bag and went inside the gymnasium. I knew that they are following me so I didn't need to look back.

We went to our designated locker room, and placed our bags on the ground. We're all set to play against Senshinkan. And later, we'll be playing against Seiho. A day from now we will be facing Shutoku. I already know that they will win with their match against Meisei High. Then I remembered what her parents told me.....

"Etto, Akashi-kun.. The game is about to start." I nodded my head at Momoi-san. I went out and bumped onto someone. "Akashi-kun!" Mizumi exclaimed. She was the one who I bumped into. "You're finally here. Let's go." I grabbed her hand and helped her to the court. "You'll play next quarter. So make sure you've caught your breath." I ordered her. "But!" She grabbed my hand and stood up.

Mizumi's POV

I grabbed Akashi's hand and stood up. "I want to play! I don't need to catch my breath! I'm okay! See?" He groaned and turned around. But I grabbed him again and kept on insisting on letting me play. Eventually, he nodded his head.

After doing some stretches I looked at our opponents. They look ordinary. Then I saw a referee coming towards me. He looks American. "Ma'am, are you a player?" He asked. "Yes, I am." I answered him. "One of the officials want to talk to you. Can you come with me, please?" That person must also be American. "Ofcourse. But I would need to tell my captain, and if possible, he too, should come." I calmly stated. He nodded his head then I went to Akashi. I told him that an official wants to talk to me.

We made our way to them. I had a clear view of the officials and I recognized one of them. He was also an official in a game I played before. "Fujiwara Mizumi, so it is you. A member of the Generation of Gods. I'm glad I get to witness you play once again." I just nodded my head and shook his outstretched hand. "I want to ask if you'll play a 5on1? Clearly even without the help of your team, you could easily beat them." He stated. "What do you think Akashi-kun? Should I play by myself?" He thought for a moment then answered. "No. We still have a game this afternoon. Maybe then, i'll allow you to play by yourself." I nodded my head and told the official my decision. He looked dissappointed but still approved.

The game finally started. Senshinkan doesn't seem to have any extraordinary defense and offense styles. This game is already decided.


The game ended with 131-2. That game just made me tired. I held onto the wall for support cause I felt kind of dizzy. I must be dehydrated. I grabbed a sports drink and emptied it in one gulp.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Mi-chan, are you alright? You look a bit pale." Momoi told me. Her face really looks worried. "Yeah. Just a little thirsty. Can you get me another drink, please?" I asked her. I don't want her to worry. Good thing that the others aren't here. *bzzt*

From: Shei Nii-san <3

Shutoku's game just ended. I figured that I should watch your match against Seiho. Good luck

Shei Nii-san is really an older brother figure to me. Even though we're the same age. Wait? He'll watch? Seiho must be strong. He only watches a match if it would be interesting. "Mi-chan! I've got your drink!" Momoi exclaimed. I grabbed it and drank it in one gulp, again. "Arigato, Momoi-san. I was really thirsty... By the way, what's Seiho like?" I ask her.

"Seiho High's specialty is their style of defense. I researched about it and found out that they use some old martial arts movement. Specifically, Nanba Run." Old martial arts? "What's Nanba Run?" I ask. "Usually when you run. Your leg and arm is opposite of movement." I nodded my head. "But when using Nanba Run the movement of your arms and legs are the same. For example, if you move your right leg, your right arm will follow. This helps them save some stamina." They seem interesting! I want to defeat them! *black aura comes out*  "E-etto, M-Mi-chan. Kowai!" "Oh, gomen, Momoi-san, I just got excited!" *grins evily causing Momoi to shiver*

"Mizumi" I shivered as I heard his voice. "A-Akashi-kun. H-How long have you been there?" I ask trying to cover up on my behavior. "A while. Please tell me why you look like a witch enchanting some spell?" I sweatdropped. Guess I can't really avoid that huh? "W-well, --"

"The Teiko High vs. Seiho High game will start in 5 minutes. I request that all the players to get ready. I repeat, The Te-"

"The game is about to start! I'll go on ahead. Ja ne!" I dashed out there and went to the court. Avoiding the glare that was following my running figure.


3rd person's POV

After running out of the locker room. Mizumi bumped into some people she met before. "Oh, if it isn't Mizumi-san" Hyuuga exclaimed. "Eh, Hyuuga-senpai? Riko-senpai? Also... Bakagami." Kagami had a tick mark and was really hot headed, since they just finished a game. "Don't mind him, Mizumi-san. Its just that we lost." Hyuuga said in a sad tone. "Why? What team defeated you??" Mizumi asked. "Seiho High. Atleast we still get to compete at the Winter Cup though!" Izuki told her trying to remove the sad atmosphere. 

Seiho High?! Then, there's more reason to defeat them!' She thought to herself letting an evil smirk remove her sad smile. "Etto, why are you smiling evily?" Koganei asked Mizumi. "Oh, don't mind me! Well, see you! My team's game is about to start! Ja ne!" Then she sped off, leaving the Seirin team dumbfounded.

[[ A/N: this is dedicated to 4 persons. They were the ones that helped me decide what team would be great. @RikuoSawada, @chocolover31120, @ChooJolynn and ofcourse my classmate Allenie de Guzman. Thanks for the help!!

More chapters to come, just wait. I'll update on Friday. Vote and comment pls!!]]

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