Bonding Time!!

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[[Credist for the picture..]]

Mizumi's POV

After being dragged to my room last night, I was half glad, half mad. I was glad because they canceled the marriage interview, but I was mad 'cause they grounded me. Right now i'm eating breakfast with my parents.

"Mizumi, we need to talk." my father stated. I just nodded my head while twirling my fork. "We won't force you to stop playing basketball anymore. Instead, we will cheer for you." I looked at them wide-eyed. "I-Is that t-true?" My mother nodded her head and I almost turned my chair over when I ran to them and hugged them. "Arigato! Otōsan! Ōka-san!"

They laughed as they hugged me back. "Wait! What made you do this?" I raised my eyebrow as I waited for them to answer. "Well, we had a little talk with your friend and we just decided to allow you to play." Something seems off but who cares! I get to play legally! "And if I remember correctly. You will spend some time with your teammates. Akashi will pick you up here at 8:30 so you better get ready." my mother said as they left for work.

I looked at the clock and realized that I only had 30 minutes to get ready. I told the maids to let Akashi in when he arrives. I took my bag and placed some jersey shirt and shorts incase I want to play. After preparing what I wanted to bring. I took a quick shower. While I was putting on my clothes I heard a knock.

"Ms. Mizumi, your guest has arrived." I hurried up and grabbed my bag. I climbed down the stairs and went to the living room. I saw Akashi looking at some albums. I went closer and saw that it was my photo album. "Where did you find that?" I ask him. I've been looking for that eversince I got back. "I just saw it at the table." he closed the album and looked at me. "So? Let's go?" I nodded my head and we went outside. I saw a limousine outside our gate. "Mizumicchi!" Kise called from inside. "Not so loud, Kise!" I heard Aomine yell. "Mou~ Dai-chan! Stop sleeping!" I looked over at Akashi who just shook his head at the people constantly shouting at each other.

Once we got in, Kise hugged me, and so did Momoi. "Guys.... can't... breathe... suffocating..." they let go and still smiled! "Gomen, Mizumicchi/Mi-chan." They looked at each other while I just looked outside. "How long will it take to get there?" I asked no one in particular. "Not long. Apparently, Akashi's house is just a few blocks away from yours." I nodded my head and stayed silent. Kise was being loud as usual and Aomine kept on yelling at him to stop. After a while, everyone became quiet. I looked at them and raised an eyebrow. But no one said anything. Then I realized that we made a stop outside a huge house. 'Maybe this is Akashi's House' I thought. One by one, we got off the limo and waited for Akashi.

"Let's go." all of us followed him and surprisingly, Kise and Aomine are in their best behavior. 'I wonder what's wrong?' I didn't know where we were going, when I heard a familiar laugh. In reflex, I immediately went to the source of laughter. I thought I was just dreaming, but I wasn't. My parents are here. Laughing with someone that I suppose must be Akashi's father. "Mother? Father?" Their head's turned to me and a smile was plastered there.

"Mizumi, dear. I thought that you might make Seijuro wait, but it seems not. You arrived just in time." "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Well, business ofcourse. The Akashi's have been our rival from the very beginning of our company. But me and your father thought about merging the company. So with both combined, we will be the most successful, not only in our country. But maybe in the whole world." I faced palmed after what she said. "But why didn't you tell me?" They just shrugged and continued on. I looked at Akashi's father and saw him looking at me.

"I'm sorry for being rude and ruining your conversation. My name is Fujiwara Mizumi. It is nice meeting you, Sir." I introduced myself, because I didn't want to be known as a rude girl. I saw him nod his head and signaled for me to go. I met up with everyone in their garden. They asked where I went and I told them what happened.

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