The Unforgettable Battle

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[[A/N: Hello!!! Okay, before reading this I decided on making a second book.. I don't know what to say here... But I hope you'll read the second book once I post it here. ^_^   >>>> ^_~ Now, Enjoy the second to the last chaper!!!!!]]

3rd Person's POV

The day finally came. The day where a battle between a member of the Generation of Gods and a team of Miracles will commence. The Championship game between Shutoku and Teiko!! *(^o^)*


Satomi's POV

"Mou, Sato-kun! Onegai~ I just want to watch the game! That's all!" Mizumi begged for the tenth time today.. " *sigh* Kagari, Luca. You two will come to guard her, okay?" I asked them. "Yes captain!" they both said then saluted which made me and Mizumi laugh. "Well? The game's about to start. You guys better hurry and change.." I told them and they were off.

Just then my phone vibrated. 'Kamui calling'

"Captain, how is she?"

"Don't worry. She's fine and don't forget that we're here"


"Kamui, I know you have something else to say, so say it."

"I can't really hide anything from you huh? Well, Yusuke, Makishima and I are now in Japan."

"Really? Since when??"

"Just yesterday. We wanted to surprise Shei in today's game when we got caught with him"

"Oh. So, what did he want?"

" *sigh* He wants us, all of us, to make an appearance before today's main game. Shutoku VS. Teiko. I already called Shei about it.. All that's left is you guys.. Do you approve?"

"What else can we do?? I mean it is him after all."

"Yeah.... And oh, If you're still at Mizu's place then you should hurry. You guys have ten minutes to get here.."

"Shimata! Ja ne! Kamui!"

I ended the call and saw that they were coming down.. "Guys we have to hurry. Unfortunately, we have a surprising appearance today.." I told them.. "What type of appearance, Misa-kun?" Kagari asked me calling me by that nickname he gave me.. "Our team is invited to make an appearance before Shei's game.."

We got inside the car and we were on our way to the Gymnasium. "Our team, captain? But isn't Yusuke, Makishima and Nii-san still in America?" Luca asked. "They arrived just yesterday. And they are also the reason why we have to make an appearance today.." after saying that they kept quiet.

We reached the gymnasium in less than five minutes. "Come on. We have to meet up with them."

We ran through the entrance and hurried to the court.. Kamui texted me that they were all there waiting for us. And they will start once we're there..

"Satomi-kun, Luca-chan, Kagari-kun, Mizumi. I'm glad you accepted my invitation.." the man who invited us said..

"We don't have anything to do anyways. So why not start already, uncle" Yes, the man who wanted our team to be known here was my Uncle.. He became one of the officials here in Japan to see us play again.. And he was also our former coach..

"You haven't changed at all, Satomi... So then? Let's begin!" he went to the center and grabbed a microphone.

"You haven't changed as well, Uncle" I mumbled to myself...

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