They Look Alike

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Akashi's POV

The practice match against Shutoku ended and we won. After changing I went to the coach of Shutoku to ask where Mizumi is, but he said she already left before the match ended.

We were now on our way to Maji burger, because Ryouta and Atsushi were hungry. "Mou~ I didn't even see Mizumicchi there!" Ryouta complained. "Kise, one more time you say that and i'll glue your mouth shut." Daiki threatened him. This was happening ever since the game ended. "If both of you don't shut up, I will personally cut you limb from limb and feed you to my pet piranha." They closed their mouths and we walked in silence.

Once we reached our destination, we ordered and went to sit near the window. They were talking about nonsense and I just looked out the window and felt someone leave.

Kise's POV

I went to the bathroom because that stupid Ahomine spilt ketchup on my shirt! This is my favorite shirt! He is so mean-ssu!

I was washing my hands when I saw familiar red hair. I thought it was Akashicchi so I turned around. He looks a bit like him though. Just less scary..

Then another guy who had the same hair as Murasakibaracchi came in. "Do you think Fumi will lose?" The red head asked. They look like they know each other?? They're speaking english, too. They must be new here. "Maybe. But she has strong teammates. Though Misa-kun has a chance against her." I left after I finished cleaning my shirt. And I don't know them, so I shouldn't listen to what they're saying! That's right!

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. It was the guys that look like Akashicchi and Murasakibaracchi. "Oh, sorry. We thought that you were someone we know." "Its alright! You guys look like someone I'm close to-ssu." "By the way, I'm.--" he couldn't finish what he was saying cause someone barged in. "OI! KISE. WE'RE ALREADY LEAVING, COME ON!" Aominecchi pulled me out of there leaving the other guys. "Aominecchi! Hiddoi! I didn't even get to say goodbye-ssu!"

Mizumi's POV

"Hey guys!" *** called out. What do they have to say now? "We met someone that looked a bit like Misa-kun!" I almost spat the milkshake on his face when he said that. "But he was a bit too loud... Hmm. Kind of like me!" Now I literally spat the milkshake I was drinking on his face.

"Hiddoi! Fumi-chan! What did I do??" "G-Gomen. Did you get his name?" I asked. I want to keep  the GoM's identity a secret for now. "No~ because a guy who looked like *** dragged him away~" Aww! He looks so cute when he pouts. Thank you for Ahomine pulling Kise away... Hehe~

~The next day

I woke up early so I planned on helping prepare the food. Yes I know how to cook and I'm quite good at it. "Oh. Ohaiyo, Mizumi." My mother greeted. "Ohaiyo" I grabbed a plate and served some of the food I made to my mom. Then I got one for myself and ate. After eating I took a bath and went to school. My friends will probably wake up late, then they'll enroll and finally go to the school that they like tomorrow. I yawned a bit once I entered the classroom. Everyone was quiet. I didn't realize it before, but once I sat down. My eyes darted to the board.

'Fujiwara Mizumi. Go to the gym, NOW! -Akashi'

My eyes widened and I sprinted towards the gym.

I practically looked like someone who ran through the desert since I was so sweaty and dehydrated. "You're late" I looked up and they were all there. "Here Mizumi-kun" Kuroko gave me a bottle of water. "Thanks" I was sitting on the ground catching my breath. Then Kise gave me a towel. "So.. why.. did you.. want.. me.. here?" I said still exhausted.

"Where were you yesterday?" -Akashi.

"I was there the whol-- no, I was there 'til the third quarter." Akashi nodded his head. "YOU WERE THERE?!" Aomine and Kise yelled. "Yep! And Akashi knew." I said popping the 'p' "HE KNEW?!" Aomine and Kise looked at Akashi who had a 'Yes-so-what?' look on his face.

"D-demo, Akashicchi, why didn't you tell us?" -Kise.

"I avoided the topic because I wanted to test our abilities a bit. Inter high is just a week from now. We have to be in full shape and make sure to win." Akashi started to dribble the ball.

Oh yeah. Now that I remember, my old friend won't be playing this year. I hope he could play during Winter Cup.

"Mizumi!" I sprang up in surprise when Aomine yelled. "What?" "Class is about to start. Duh" he flicked my forehead and walked away. That little Ahomine!! I'll get him back! I swear it!!

[[A/N: Again.. this is too short..GOMEN!!! I'll make the next update a bit longer.... but i dont know when i'll update... maybe on friday night... Thank you for reading!!!]]

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