Too Much Coincidence

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Akashi's POV

Me and Ryouta were currently on our way to our class. "Ne Akashicchi, could we hang out at your house tomorrow?" Ryouta asked.


"Ehhh? B-But I told Mizumicchi that we would hang out at your place!" I stopped when I heard him say that.

"Why would you tell her that if you were unsure?" he fiddled with his fingers avoiding my stare.

"Well I thought that when I say her name you would say yes and I thought that you liked Mizumicchi." He said mumbling the last part, but I still heard it.

I sighed and just nodded my head hoping he understood what I meant. "Arigato Akashicchi!" he yelled then hugged me. "Let go." after saying that he immediately let go and stood a great distance from me.

He still knows that I always have my scissors in my pocket. Both my pockets.

I was about to enter the room when I was suddenly knocked down. I felt something warm on my cheek and when I opened my eyes. I met green ones.

She immediately stood up and dusted her skirt. "Gomen Akashi-kun. I didn't mean to bump and fall onto you."

She said trying to act serious and like none of it affected her. But her face was a bit red after accidentally kissing me on the cheek. I admit that was the first time someone kissed me, even if it was an accident.

I stood up and dusted my pants. "Make sure you don't fall anywhere else when I'm not around, Fujiwara. I don't want you 'accidentally' kissing someone else." I smirked when I saw her face get redder.

I passed her and went to my seat. Ryouta was about to say something to me when the bell rang and the teacher came in. Fujiwara slowly sat beside me, not looking at my direction.


Morning classes ended with Fujiwara not looking at me. I got up and was about to buy lunch when Momoi called me. "I have the data you needed, Akashi-kun."

I grabbed the pieces of paper and looked at it. "Arigato, Momoi-san." She looked over at Fujiwara. "Kon'nichiwa, Mi-chan!" She immediately looked at Momoi and smiled.

But when her eyes landed on mine. Her face turned red and looked away. Momoi looked at me and gave me a questioning look. I placed the paper in my bag and left to buy lunch.

Mizumi's POV

Eversince I accidentally kissed Akashi on the cheek. I haven't been able to look him in the eye for long. Especially after he said those... ughh, I don't even wanna think about it.

I left the room and hurried to buy some melon bread. It was pretty crowded as usual. I managed to get to the front and was about to grab a melon bread when a hand touched mine. I looked up only to regret it.

"It seems that today is full of things involving you and me." Akashi said as he tossed me a melon bread. "It's just coincidence you know." I paid for mine and he did the same.

"But it seems too much to be coincidence." I got my drink and waited for him.

"You know, it seems that you've been cocky since this morning." I sipped my drink as we walked to the room.

"It seems your right. I don't even understand why." I stopped and looked at him.

"Is it the end of the world?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Akashi Seijuro, The Absolute Emperor who knows everything. Is now unsure of how he is acting?" He stared at me with cold eyes.

"I'm just kidding! Sheesh! The truth is.. I feel like i'm getting to know the real you." I nudged his side and hurried away.

I spent my lunch talking with Akashi and I felt like we got to know each other. I even told him about the marriage interview I was gonna attend later.

Whenever I talked to him, I felt that I was already close to him even though we just met the other day....Maybe it was the fact that both of us are alike on some terms.

Class ended and it was now time to practice. Kanata said she would watch practice today, so I wanted to make it fun to watch. Maybe it's time to show them my old moves. "Mizumicchi!" I heard someone yell before getting suffocated by a bear hug.

"Kise....can't...breathe....need...air!.." he immediately let go once Akashi started to glare at him. "Can I talk to Fujiwara privately?" He asked Kise who nodded and went sprinting away.

"Next time call me Mizumi. Okay?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Who are you to command me?" Now I was the one to raise an eyebrow.

"Well i'm just your best friend." I bowed down to mock him. "Who said that you were my bestfriend?" I know that I made him smile even if its unnoticable to others.

"I'm hurt Akashi. I didn't know that I mean nothing to you." now I think i'm going to far with my joke. His lips turned into a frown. "Don't say that. And if you are my so called best friend then you would call me Seijuro."

I blushed when he told me to call him by his first name. I don't usually do that stuff. "U-Uhhh... what did you want to talk about anyway?" I said changing topics. "I just wanted to ask if you would mind showing us some of your moves." I smiled.

'You read my thought' "I was gonna ask you about that too. I wanted to show you guys my old moves." we went to the court and he clapped 3 times earning everyone's attention.

"I want everyone to learn from the move which will be shown by our new member, Fujiwara Mizumi. The Generation of Miracles will experience her moves first handedly."

I just stood there waiting for them to settle down. "There are only 3 moves which I clearly remember from my old ones, is that enough?" "I assume that there are more, but 3 are alright, to make sure that you won't overuse your abilities."

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