They Lost...

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The swish of the net was all that could be heard along with the collision of the ball to the ground. Everyone seemed to be in a state of shock...

Then the screams and cheers were heard.. "For the first time in history!! The Generation of Miracles have been beaten!!" The announcer said..


Out of exhaustion Shei, Takao, Kise, Midorima and Aomine fell to the ground. They could barely stand now.. And immediately, their teammates helped them up.

Players line up!... With a score of 168-169.. Shutoku High wins!! 




Once they were back to their locker rooms.....

"You guys did great!" Mizumi started. "Especially Kise and Midorima." She smiled and tried to take away the heavy atmosphere. "Here guys. Drink this." She hands them the same drink she gave Takao and Shei after the match. "It'll give you some strength to atleast stand."

After that none of them still talked.

"Mi-chan... Let's leave them be, for now." Momoi told her.. Mizumi took one last look at them then left..

"Mi-chan... They... They haven't experienced losing for a long time now..." Momoi knew, even she felt the same. Everyone did...

"I know." Mizumi put on a smile and faced Momoi. "Uhm, Momoi! Can you... uh.. leave me for a bit? I just need to... relax before I talk to them." Momoi nodded her head and left.

Once Mizumi knew she was gone... Tears fell from her eyes.. "This... This is my fault... If I listened to Akashi.... we wouldn't have... we wouldn't have lost!!" She slammed her fist on the wall she was facing.. Even though it hurt she repeated it again....and again...and again.. Until someone stopped her..

The person grabbed her wrists and hugged her. Mizumi tried to struggle, until she heard a familiar voice. "It wasn't your fault.... Don't cry.."

"B-But... Akashi!!" Mizumi cried her all after hearing what Akashi said....

"If... If I listened to you during that... that game against Seiho... Then none of you would have...--" -Mizumi

"It's in the past. You can't change it. Besides... We did our best like we promised.. right? Now stop crying." -Akashi

It took a while before she calmed down.

"Arigato. I needed that." Mizumi was finally over what happened. And they headed back to the locker room. Mizumi was surprised that all of them were back to normal.. Like they didn't even lost.

"Minna...." Mizumi whispered..  All at once they looked at her.. "You cried?" Midorima asked.. Realizing this.. Mizumi hid her face feeling embarrassed.

"You didn't need to cry, Mizumicchi.." -Kise

"But... I didn't help.." Mizumi said in a low whisper, but everyone could hear.

"You helped us big time! Especially when you.. k-kissed us on the cheek.." Aomine stated getting a bit flustered..

"Aomine, you really don't change. Always a pervert. But he is right about the part that you helped us." Midorima stated..

"Is giving you guys a kiss on the cheek really that big of a deal?" Mizumi asked Midorima.

"O-Of course not nanodayo! You used your zone to help us and came up with the plan on making Kise use his Perfect Copy against your former teammate.. The k-kiss was n-nothing" Midorima explained..

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