Classmates?! / An Old Friend

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'Mizumi wake up! You're gonna be late for class!' I groaned as I opened my eyes only to close them again.

"Ugh! Close the curtains!" I sat up, eyes still closed. I couldn't feel any movement so I opened one of my eyes to see no one. Who was I talking to?

I looked at my clock and saw that I was gonna be late for my first day! I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, put on my school uniform and brushed my teeth.

I grabbed my bag and went down, grabbed some toast and said good bye. The maids will probably be sad I couldn't eat the breakfast they prepared but I was gonna be late. My house is a 10-minute walk to school.

'I'll just have to make it five.' I ran as fast as I can and dodged all the morning people. "Oi! Mizumi! Be careful!" our neighbor, the elderly woman I got along well with, reminded me 'cause sometimes I tend to be clumsy.

"Hai!" I waved my hand not looking back and kept on running. After running I finally saw the gate of my school. There were other students hurrying not to be late. I stopped dead on my tracks when I realized...

I don't know where my classroom is!!! I made a turn and went to the faculty room. Oh please let there be someone to help me!!

Akashi's POV

I was sitting in my seat reading a book when someone tapped my shoulder. "What do you want Ryouta?"

"E-Eh?? How did you know it was me, Akashicchi?" I looked at him and answered.

"You were the only one who was still not here. So I knew it would be you." He made a face that meant he understood.

"I just wanted to say Good morning to Akashicchi, that's all" then he went to his proper seat. The bell rang just as our teacher entered.

"Rise!... Bow!" "Ohaiyo Gozaimasu!" We all greeted.

"Ohaiyo Gozaimasu. You have a new classmate coming today."

'I hope its a boy!'

No, it has to be a girl. There are so many boys already!'

'But if its a boy then maybe he can play basketball.'

We don't need anyone else. We have the Kiseki no Sedai in our school'

Many of them kept talking like no one was at front. "Quiet! Now let's start our lesson-" Just as he finished his sentence a knock was heard from the door. "You may come in."

'She must be our new classmate.'

Yes! Our new classmate is a girl'

I didn't bother to look up since I don't care. Its just a girl. "Mizumi! Why are you late?" I was surprised at how our teacher reacted.

"Hehe~ I got lost." The girl answered. That voice seems familiar. "Okay class, she is your new classmate. Her name is Fujiwara Mizumi.

Some of you already know her because she finished her elementary here in our school. She just transferred out during her first year of middle school because of certain things. But now she's back!"

"Mou~ Sensei, I was supposed to introduce myself! And you gave too much information!" sensei just laughed. He laughed?

I finally looked up just to be shocked. "Gomen, I just got a little excited to have you in my class. But you have a rival in being top one here."

"Really? Who?" I didn't realize that Sensei pointed at me and when our eyes met. It was obvious that she was surprised as well.

"Were classmates?!" she exclaimed. "Oh, it seems that you know Akashi. That's good because the two of you will be seatmates from now on. Now sit down. We'll start our lesson."

As she was getting closer and closer I kept my eyes on her. I smirked to myself. 'It seems that I don't need to find her.' She sat down and kept quiet.

Mizumi's POV

"Mizumi!" someone called me. I looked to see a brown haired girl.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Misaki Kanata!" Kanata? If I remember correctly there was a girl named Kanata which I was really close to back before I left.

"Kanata? The Kanata. The one who always pulled me to different places and often got scolded because we did something bad? That Kanata?" she smiled and nodded her head. I stood up and hugged her.

"I can't believe you still remember me! I mean I was gone for a few years. And I lost contact with you. I even forgot to say goodbye that time." I looked down remembering how sad I felt back then.

"I know I even got mad at you but I know how strict your parents could be. I just hope nothing as bad as that would happen again." she stated, I took my wallet and we headed to the cafeteria.

"Well, actually... something already did." She looked at me shocked.

"TELL.ME.EVERYTHING!" she grabbed my hand and was about to lead me somewhere when I stopped.

"I have to buy some food you know. I can't say anything when I'm hungry." She just nodded her head and let go of my arm.

The cafeteria was pretty much packed so I chose to buy some melon bread and juice instead. When I was about to grab one, a hand touched mine. I looked up and saw light blue eyes. "Gomen. You can have that."

He took another and was about to leave when I grabbed him. "What's your name? I'm Fujiwara Mizumi. Were in the same class right?" he was a bit shocked at first then answered.

"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. I'm glad that you actually notice me." I arched an eyebrow in question.

"Well, only a few people notice me because of my lack of presence." ohh.. "Okay, see you then Kuroko-kun" I paid for the melon bread and went to the vending machine for some juice.

There I saw a familiar green haired boy holding a toy cat. It looks like he's having some problems with the machine so I bumped it and his drink fell.

He was surprised to see me but immediately composed himself. "Hi! Remember me? We're in the same class right?" he nodded his head and reached for his drink. I grabbed it before him and looked at it.

"Red bean soup? Uck" "Give it back, nanodayo." Nanodayo?

"Tell me your name first, or else i'll call you Mr. Nanodayo." I stated while holding his drink away from him. He sighed before answering.

"It's Midorima Shintaro" "Okay then. Here you go!" I smiled at him then looked at the stuffed cat.

"What's that for?" I ask out of curiosity while getting my drink. "It's my lucky item, nanodayo. Oha--" he was cut off when someone spoke.

"I don't think she'd like to hear you talk about your luck today, Midorima."

I turned around to see a dark skinned man. "You're the one who caught up to me yesterday!" I exclaimed.

"It's been a while since I met someone who can catch up to my speed." I reached my hand out for him to shake. "Aomine Daiki, we're classmates. Well, we're all classmates." All? so I get to meet all of them?

"Wait I already met Akashi, Kuroko and you two. Hm.. Who else?....Aha! Where's the blonde guy and the pink haired girl and also the tall one?" I ask them.

"Satsuki's in the faculty since coach needed to talk to her. And Kise's probably surrounded by his fangirls. Then Murasakibara should just be somewhere eating snacks..."

"Oh, so I won't be meeting them right now huh?" after thinking a bit I remembered Kanata. "Oh no... well it was nice meeting you. I have to go. See you in class!" I hurried to meet up with Kanata.

[[Finally, you know her!! She's one of my characters in my other story but totally different. Please vote and comment!!! =) Tell your friends about this, too. Credits for the picture of Kanata above

Mizumi is the one on the cover...]]

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