Maze of Fear

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[[A/N: Minna!! Arigato for 1k reads!! even though some just start on the prologue and don't finish until the last chapter.... I'm still glad!!!!

To any FILIPINO that's reading this!! Salamat!! Ito talaga ang pinaka masayang nakuha ko!!!  Kung para sa iba mababaw lang toh, sa'kin hinde!!! Mahal na mahal ko kayo at sa sobrang saya ko bibigyan ko kayong lahat ng kiss sa pisngi!! MWAH! MWAH! MWAH!!! Mahal ko kayo!!!  Hontonni Arigato Gozaimasu!!!!!]]

Akashi's POV

After having dinner with Minamoto, Shei, Kagari and Luca. We didn't leave our room. We decided to stay in two rooms since it was really huge. Me and the boys are in one room and Momoi on the other.

They were already asleep and I wasn't. What Shei said wouldn't leave my mind. 'He's right. I just need to accept it' I thought to myself.

Then I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it there was no one. I noticed a note on the door.

'Come to the garden. I want to talk to you. -Minamoto'

It was like he knew that I was still awake. I thought for a moment and went to the garden. I moved quietly trying not to make any sound.

Once I reached the garden there was no one there. I was about to go back when I noticed a note attached to a stone bench.

'Let's play a game in the MAZE'

After reading I felt movement behind me. I turned around and saw..........................

a cat. I relaxed a bit. That's when something hard hit me on the head.


I groaned as I woke up feeling my surroundings. I noticed that I was in some part of the garden and remembered everything that happened.

"You're finally awake Akashi. Just in time.  Generation of Miracles, you are currently in my Maze of Fears. All your positions are located in different dead ends where there will be two paths. One has your name on it and the other hasn't appeared yet. It will only appear once you have gotten the first piece of the map from the first path. This is a challenge in your strength and capabilities. To escape the maze you must find the maps which I've hidden there while facing your fear. Have fun!"

Maze of Fears? I looked around and everything he said was right. There is a path with my name on it. And what awaits me there is my greatest fear?


3rd Person's POV

Akashi went to the path and was greeted with a noise. Specifically... a bark. "Arf!" he looked down and saw a dog.. 'He looks like Tetsuya' Akashi thought. "Sit" he said and the dog followed. 'Good. He listens' he sighed and continued walking and beside him was the dog who looked like Tetsuya.

After a while he was finally near the end of the path... That's when he heard more barks. Tetsuya #2 ran off and Akashi followed him. He saw so many dogs...

Akashi's Reaction: My scissors! Where are my scissors?!

He searched for his scissors but couldn't find them. He didn't know that there were camera's installed and someone was watching.. "I bet he's looking for these *shows scissors* Hah! You can't hurt them!"

Akashi's Reaction: I don't have a choice  "Dogs. Sit."

He ordered the dogs but they didn't listen and ran after him.

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