First Encounter

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"Skills are what matters in this game. If you think that a girl doesn't have what it takes. Then even you don't deserve to play.. Don't just underestimate anyone you encounter.." - Mizumi Fujiwara

Mizumi's POV

It was finally time for Inter High..

But even though I want to play I can't, cause Akashi wants me to be a secret until the final league matches. I don't even wanna go to the gymnasium cause it'll only make me more anxious to play basketball.

"Mi~zu~mi~.... When can I meet your model friend?? You won't even play today so why don't you meet up with her and bring me along.." Kanata kept on bugging me about wanting to meet Luca-chan. I bet she wants to do what other fangirls do.. which I don't know what??

I groaned as I sat up from my bed. I looked over at Kanata then to the clock, then to my closet, next, my phone. Why not? I'll just leave them be, anyway...

I dialed Luca-chan's number and waited for her to answer............ After a few rings.. she finally picked up.

"Moshi Moshi.. Luca here"

"Moshi Moshi.. Luca-chan, are you free today?"

"Let me see...Uhmm... Yes, why?"

"Let's meet up at the park, 'kay?"

"Sure" then she hunged up. "Go to the park now. She'll be there in a sec." Her eyes glimmered for a second then became dark.. "You'll say that but she won't even come. You just want to get rid off me, cause I'm so annoying.." She mumbled. A dark aura surrounding her.. "N-Now t-that's not true!" I mentally cursed for stuttering.. "Then why are you stuttering?" She asked moving closer. "Cause you look hell'a creepy! If you don't believe me, then i'll come with you, Baka!" I screamed getting up..

~At the park..
Me and Kanata met Luca a few minutes ago and I'm totally bored right now. I left them and walked around. Luckily, I saw an empty court. "Great thing I brought a ball with me." I mumbled to myself then started playing by myself.

~A few hours later
It's five o'clock already? I've been playing for 8 hours straight and their game should be over by now.. *sigh* I really wanted to play with them... I groaned and threw the ball out of frustration and it missed... "You really can't shoot if you just throw the ball, you know?" a voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a red head who is a bit taller than me. "I can, I was just frustrated that's why it missed." I stated grabbing the ball.

I looked at him again and saw that he was wearing a uniform with SEIRIN on it. Seirin? Where did I hear that? As I tried to remember where I heard that name. The guy came closer and stole the ball from me. I watched him as he did a dunk. "Wow. You can jump high, but that isn't your limit you know." I told him. "Huh?" he must be an idiot.... "Why don't we play?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow at me.. Wait.. why is his eyebrows split into two??

"Are you sure you want to play? A girl can easily get hurt in this game" I lowered my head at what he said... "Skills are what matters in this game. If you think that a girl doesn't have what it takes. Then even you don't deserve to play.. Don't just underestimate anyone you encounter.." I told him. He smirked and dribbled the ball.. "Oh really? If you think that you can beat me with your so called skills, I still have an advantage. My height." He said getting closer to me, easily towering me once we were face to face. "First, why are your eyebrows split?" I ask him. "LET'S JUST PLAY!" he threw the ball at me but I dodged just in time.

"Ow!" I heard someone say. The ball must've hit someone? "C-Captain!" I heard this guy yell. I turned around and saw someone with glasses yelling at the red head... I didn't want to interrupt them so I grabbed my ball and was about to leave. "Oi! Matte!" someone yelled from behind me.

I saw the Megane guy heading towards me. "Is there something you need?" I ask him. "Uh no. I just wanted to say sorry if this guy *points at the red head* did something terrible to you. He can't help but be an idiot." I nodded my head. "By the way I'm--" *bogsh*

"HYUUGA!! KAGAMI!! TEME!!" I girl with brown hair started strangling the two... The other guys wearing Seirin uniforms came.. "Ano.. Coach.." a guy said calling the girl. She's a coach??? Her eyes looked at them then landed on me.. She immediately stood up and dusted her skirt... "I'm Riko Aida. Nice to meet you. Hehe~" She said extending her hand.. I nervously grabbed her hand..

After that weird incident I realized that they were all friendly... They're a basketball team that also participates at Inter High. But they still a need a new member to make them strong enough to beat the three kings of tokyo.. Senshinkan High, Shutoku High and Seiho High... Now that I think of it.... Sato-kun said that one of the three left will be attending their school..Seirin... Things are really interesting when it involves one of the generation of gods... "Well, Riko-senpai.. I think i'll go ahead now." I told her.. We were at maji burger and it was already late.. "Eh?? Already?? Mou~ Alright.. I hope to see you again! Ja ne!" She said and the others waved their hand and I left.

Once I was home, I was tackled to the ground. "MIZUMI!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! I had so much fun! And look!" Kanata yelled then showed me a poster with a picture of Luca-chan and her signature on it... Afterwards she showed other pictures of Luca-chan with more signatures... I mentally groaned at her.. She showed me tons of pictures with signatures on it....... I was glad that her Mom texted her to go home or I won't be getting any sleep tonight.

I closed my eyes trying to sleep when I heard a knock on my door. I groaned and lazily opened the door. I saw Sato-kun.. "Why didn't you play?" He asked. I groaned loud enough for him to hear and grabbed my 'Do Not Disturb' sign. I placed it on the handle and slammed the door then locked it. This day is really tiring. Sato-kun won't stop  knocking on my door so I had no choice but to listen to loud music until I fall asleep.

[[A/N: Meeting seirin members?? I can't predict what my brain would think of next.. literally, my  mind is jumbled up with the names of different teams... I just need someone to tell me who Teiko will first play a match with for the final league matches... just message me.. Vote and comment!!  THANKS!! ]]

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