Formally Meeting the GoM

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Mizumi's POV

After classes I went to see my Uncle. Kanata had to go home early because they have a family gathering so she wasn't with me. While walking towards the gym I remembered my conversation with Kanata this lunch.


Once I reached where she was I slowly opened the door only to receive a whack on the head. "Ittai! What was that for?" I said holding my head.

"That was for making me wait. Baka!" She really changed. She wasn't like this before.... After that we ate our lunch.

"So tell me. What happened when you were in America?" I let out a breath before telling her. "It was when I played in the WNBA. One of the opponents I marked played rough and got me injured. I was hospitalized after the game, and my parents didn't let me play afterwards."

She looked at me like I grew another head. "I understand why your parents are like that. I mean you're an only child. They wouldn't want to lose you. But they can't prevent you from playing right?" we stayed quiet for a while until she began to talk again. "Why don't you tell your Uncle. Maybe he can do something about it."

I thought about it and considered that I wanted to keep on playing basketball. I entered the gym to see my uncle talking to the players.

He looked at me and told everyone to continue practice. "My, Mizumi its good to see you. How is my special little player?"

I hugged him and told him about my parents. "I know, the principal told me. So do you still want to play basketball?" he asked me

"Ofcourse! I want to keep on playing and show my parents that they can't stop me from playing forever." he gave me a pat on the head.

"Now that's the girl I trained. I saw you playing with the Generation of Miracles yesterday. You were great!"

So they were called the Generation of Miracles huh? I mean I didn't really know them yesterday and just happened to watch the game because I saw their uniform was Teiko. "Oh you haven't met the GoM formally have you?" I shrugged and looked at the players. Then he suddenly shouted for them to gather, again.

"Boys, this is my niece, Fujiwara Mizumi. She'll be one of us now and I'm sure she'll be reliable. During her elementary days here. She was accepted as part of the national team and was the youngest. During her second year in middle school in America, she was accepted to play at the WNBA. I could say she's the best that I've trained.

GoM come forward. I want to introduce you guys to her formally including the phantom sixth man." I looked at the rainbow colored guys. "You're called the Generation of Miracles? Nice to meet you." I reach out my hand for them to shake. Each of them told me their positions. I already know their names because I met them during lunch and well technically, we are classmates.

"Well, my position is kind of an all-rounder. But I'm best at being a point guard and shooting guard." After saying that I heard some snickers from behind me saying that I'm so full of myself.

I turned around and smiled. "Whoever said that, please come to the court."

I was the first one there, then three boys appeared. "Let me make things clear. I don't walk around telling people how great I am, and I wasn't the one who told you my past accomplishments. If you think that I'm so full of myself. Then why not beat me in a 3 on 1?" I calmly told them.

They looked to hesitate at first but then agreed. After a while I was beating them with a score of 25-0. I noticed that they were all tired. I stopped dribbling and told them to rest.

"Now, another announcement!" I turned around to listen. "I will be gone for 2 weeks starting tomorrow and you have a match next week, too. So I'll be leaving Akashi and Mizumi in-charge."

"What?!" Me and the GoM, except for Akashi, screamed. "You heard what I said. When I get back I want to see each and every player here to improve. That is all. Practice is over." Then he left.

I can't believe he just put me in-charge! Every player looked at me. I couldn't help but feel small from their gazes.

"Did you not hear what the coach said? Practice is over! Clean up the gym!" A voice full of overwhelming power was heard and all at once everyone started to clean up.

'I'm glad those types of voice don't affect me.' I thought. "Everyone should help. Even you." I was surprised to see Akashi talking to me. "Oh, sorry." Then I started to pick up some balls.

"Weren't you affected when I ordered to clean the gym?" He suddenly asked helping me.

"Well no. I'm actually used to that kind of voice. Receiving personal training from my uncle got me used to it."

"Oh." Then we were engulfed with silence. I looked up to see him putting away some brooms.

Even though he is small, he is still great. I've heard stories about them when I was still in America.

He really seems cool and his eyes are so cute... Wait, what am I thinking? I shook away all those thoughts and felt my face heat up.

"What are you doing?" I was surprised when I suddenly saw him. I stretched out to grab a basketball at the same time as him.

We accidentally touched hands which caused me to look up. His face was near mine. We stared for a few seconds and my heart was beating so fast. I was so entranced with his red and gold eyes.

I realized that we were suddenly getting close to each other so I backed away. He did the same. We were surrounded by a sudden awkwardness. He was about to say something when Kise called me. Akashi just shook his head and went away as Kise jogged up to me.

"Did I interrupt something?" "No. What do you need?" I didn't look at him. Instead I picked up the ball and placed it to where it belongs.

"Well, me and the others just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out this Saturday?" Hmmm? "Sure, but where?" He smiled and said "At Akashicchi's house. Ja ne!" He waved his hand and left. I sighed thinking on what to do about tomorrow.

[[A/N: I dont think that i'll be able to do Akashi's proper personality. i dont know why. Everytime i write a part for him, his personality is waaay different. i just wanted to tell you that. Pls vote... that's if you like it. (.////.)]]

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