Practice match against Shutoku Part 2

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[[A/N: took a while to update. Hehe~ Gomen. I just needed a little boost to publish this part. Kyaa!! Im excited for our upcoming sport fest at school!! I'll get some ideas for this story during that time. Pls vote if you like this chapter. Enjoy...]]

Akashi's POV

We were playing for five minutes and are dominating the game. Mizumi still isn't here. "This game is boring. Can I go now?" Atsushi said. "This is a practice match. You can't just go home without finishing it. That would be rude, Atsushi." The purple headed giant just pouted. The referee blew the whistle signaling time-out is over.

"Heh? They changed players." -Ryouta

"Well, their starting line up is weak, so they really needed to change." -Daiki

I saw the opponent's captain glare at Daiki for what he said. "Do not underestimate us, first year." Daiki just ignored what he said. Then the game started.

Mizumi's POV

That Ahomine! How dare he say that?! I'll show him not to underestimate his opponent. I concentrated everything towards Otsubo-senpai. He must've felt it 'cause he looked towards me. He understood my gaze and continued his play.

~After a while the first quarter was over. If Teiko was dominating for the first five minutes. Now they're almost tied! "How the hell did you do that?!" Otsubo-senpai yelled. "Shhh! Don't be too loud senpai! They might know I'm here!" I said as I hid myself more. "Alright but tell me." He gave me a pat on the head. "Well...its because I'm in the third zone. Once I'm there I can make anyone's ability to boost. But only for 20 minutes. After that I'm dead-beat."

I've been supporting them only for five minutes meaning I have 15 minutes left. "You have a limit?!" "Well duh. Everyone has." He sweatdropped and looked away. "I forgot this is just a one time opportunity. We would be defeated easily once we play you." He looked sad thinking that. "Don't worry senpai. If you don't get into Inter High. Then we'll meet at Winter cup. You'll get stronger, because of an additional player that I know."

He looked confused on what I said and was about to ask something when the second quarter started. Unlike the first quarter, Shutoku easily dominated Teiko but it only lasted for half the time. Everyone was becoming confused on what was happening. But I didn't care. This was just practice. 

Besides, it seems that they're slowly realizing what's going on. Teiko called for a time out to cool down, Ahomine. But instead of ordering him to calm down, Akashi looked over at where I am. His eyes passed my purple ones so I had to get out of the zone to blend with the crowd. When I opened them again. His gaze was on me.

My eyes went wide, expecting a glare from him but instead, he smirked. He nodded his head and turned around. It didn't seem that he told them what I was doing. Phew! I don't need that Ahomine to come here and start a fight.

Afterwards the game just continued with Shutoku catching up to Teiko with my help. It was like they were exchanging points. But now, it's the last quarter and Shutoku is leading. I told them that I'll support for the last five minutes of the game. For now they just have to play fair. "Ooohh~" I heard the people watching say. It seems that Akashi made a three. Ouch! Now their down to a single point lead. But.. oh~ Midorima shot another three for Teiko.

*bzzzt* my phone buzzed. I looked at it and stood up. I walked to the coach. "Excuse me, but I have to go. I won't be able to help you guys anymore." He looked shocked about what I told him. "Is it already over?" "No. I'm sorry but I've been called. I really have to go." He nodded his head and I went to Shutoku locker room to change, then I ran outside and went to the park. Apparently the park is located at the point where all the schools can meet. I waited for them to come but it seems they're a bit late.

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